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Best of iFanboy Podcast?

I need a little help for the upcoming one year anniversary show. What are some of your favorite moments from…

You Should be Listening to This: Dave Sim on ‘Indie Spinner Rack’

You like comic book podcasts, right? So you probably heard the Indie Spinner Rack episode featuring Dave Sim, creator of…

‘Blade’ Gets Cut

Oh well, looks like Geoff Johns will just have to go back to writing comics, because the Blade TV Show…

Clearly They’re Going for the Addiction Angle: Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark

Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark. Thanks to Derek for the tip. And now, as if we could stop it,…

Marvel Wants To Get Their Books Out On Time: Wacker Leaves DC

We do our best to avoid yapping about editorial moves, but I found this one very interesting. Smack dab in…

‘Heroes’ Premieres Tonight on NBC

Just a reminder, the series premiere of Heroes is tonite at 9 PM on NBC (in the United States). The…

The Top 50 Comic Book Covers of 2006 (UPDATED)

IGN has posted a listing of what they consider the top comic book covers that Marvel published in 2006. UPDATE! Here…

First Look: ‘300’ Trailer

Thanks to The Dude for pointing us to the very first trailer for the adaptation of Frank Miller’s epic OGN…

The World’s Most Valuable Comic Books… Revealed

For all you collectors: Here is an interesting list of the world’s most valuable comic books. Please note that Spawn…

‘Civil War #4’ Spoiler… Revealed

Click through, if you dare. Captain America is going to come out of Civil War #4 … REBORN as two…