Article Archive

Hey, remember that really good book? Civil… something?

Issue number 4 of Civil War is out this week! Finally! And our friend Rich Johnston over at Comic Book…

How ‘Superman: The Movie’ Should Have Ended

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week. These guys have a website where they make short animations of…

Imperius Copycat! Namor Film Plot Sounds A Lot Like Aquaman

It appears that Universal Pictures and Marvel Studios are fast tracking a Namor, The Sub-Mariner picture. The plot sounds eerily…

New Nova Series Announced

I am really only doing this because Ron is my friend and it will make him happy, but lost in…

Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona are ‘Runaways’ (UPDATE)

UPDATE! The new Runaways team has been announced — it’s Joss Whedon and Michael Ryan! UPDATE! Marvel has revealed that…

Will Hollywood cause the next bust? (Another View)

Mark Millar caused a minor stir last week with his thesis on booms and busts and the effect of Hollywood…

It’s that Time Again – New MonkeyTalk!

You’ve seen our take on the San Diego Comic-Con, now it’s Little Rashy’s turn, as Part 1 of Episode 3…

Will Hollywood cause the next bust?

Over at Newsarama, Mark Millar has written a fascinating op/ed piece whose subject is boom and busts in the comic…

iFanboy Shows Up in Wizard Magazine

As many have pointed out, we were mentioned in a letter printed in the latest Wizard Magazine. A podcast listener,…

‘Civil War’ Delay Repercussions – OR – The Revenge of ‘Cable/Deadpool’

This has nothing to do with this week’s Pick of the Week, which is Josh’s this week (and I’m sure…