Article Archive

Mark Millar seems out of place on ‘This Morning’

I think this is a bit old, but I found it both awkward and amusing enough to share. Millar was…

Greg Land: Good or Evil?

Saw this on Augie De Blieck’s column, but I thought it was pretty interesting. Apparently, artist Greg Land has come…

‘Battlestar Galactica’ Comic… Not Too Frakkin’ Bad?

I just wanted to take a second to plug an unlikely book. If you’re a fan of the new Battlestar…

Brace for Impact…

A piece of art has found its way onto the internet that is sure to cause a few gaskets to…

“I stole 6,000 to 7,000 comic books.”

An unemployed man in Japan has admitted to stealing and reselling comic books worth more then 3 million yen to…

Why didn’t I have an obsessive compulsive older relative?

There was this guy and he was an avid comic book collector in the 1940’s and then he died and…

Holy habeas corpus, Batman! Daughter of ‘Batman’ Producer Sues Fox

The daughter of the late producer William Dozier is suing 20th Century Fox Film Corporation alleging she was defrauded out…

First Look: Green Arrow on ‘Smallville’!

Here’s our first look at Oliver Queen on next season’s Smallville. And yes, that’s Justin Hartley the actor who played…

Coming Soon… ‘Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer’!

Looks like they’ve renamed the Fantastic Four sequel. I didn’t hateĀ FantasticĀ Four as much as I thought I would — mostly…

Artist Wanted: Must Draw Webs and Teen Angst

Dave Graham pointed us to the rumor in the iFanboy Grab Bag and now it is confirmed by the man…