‘Blade’ Gets Cut

Oh well, looks like Geoff Johns will just have to go back to writing comics, because the Blade TV Show has been cancelled.

Did anyone watch this? Was it worth renewing? Did Spike make a mistake?

I am woefully ignorant here as I’ve never seen any Blade movies, nor this show. Vampires just don’t do it for me..


  1. Unlike the movies (1 and 3 at least) the series was terrible, mainly down to the fact they cast ‘Sticky Fingaz’ as Blade. He is terrible in the role.

  2. The show really suffered by not having Snipes in the lead role. I’m not going to miss it.

  3. I downloaded the first free episode from iTunes, but never cared enough to watch this. And I saw this as a real fan of the films. They were a lot of fun.

    It’s all pretty weird, since Scott Hinze described the show as “awesome,” “so awesome,” and the “the greatest, most awesome show ever.” 😉

  4. I’m kinda stunned. I’ve watched most of the episodes and had been hearing a lot of good buzz in the press. Yes, Sticky is not great, but the supporting cast was strong and I was starting to get into it.

  5. Josh, I did the same thing. I downloaded the first episode but never bothered watching it.

  6. I thought the show was good. I’m a big fan of the 1st two films, but I feel that the 3rd one lacked in storyline and pacing. Bringing Blade to the small screen allowed them to explore the world of the 12 houses of vampires that we only briefly got a glimpse of in the 1st film. The supporting cast was great, Sticky Fingaz was a little rough at first, but seemed to be getting more adjusted to the role. But what I appreciated most about it was they kept all 3 films in continuity ( The series taking place after the films ) and made references to them occasionally. My personal favorite was the flashback episode with Blade and Whistler’s first meeting. I hope Spike either reconsiders or another network picks it up. Definately a poor choice to cancel it.

  7. All this talk about blade and heroes is cute and all, and unless ive skipped over some material, wheres the geek talk on Smallville(cough**greatest show ever end cough*)And if there were a general posting board i would place it on that but there is nothing. Smallville=hot, Kristen Kruek=hot, Tom Welling=Smokin hot! We should talk about these things. Conor, you with me my fellow Smallvillian? *cue cheers and standing O-fade to black*

  8. Hasn’t Smallville jumped the shark yet?

  9. I loved the first two movies, but i’ve never seen the show, mainly due to Snipes not playing Blade.

  10. All this talk about blade and heroes is cute and all, and unless ive skipped over some material, wheres the geek talk on Smallville(cough**greatest show ever end cough*)


  11. I havent actually watched the show but from what I heard it’s “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” like action but without the good plotlines/character development. Not to mention not even Sticky could save this show from dieing a quick death

  12. I only watched the first episode. It was awful. Blade was miscast. The story was lame. It was nothing like the movies or the comic series. So I’m not surprised that it was cancelled. It was a missed opportunity for something creative and original to be done with Blade on TV.