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Name: shaun wilkinson



I said to myself this would be ‘Escapes’ last chance this week, what with Blackest Night coming up things are…

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I was so close to dropping this book after picking it up over the last few months. Then I saw…

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shaunbat's Recent Comments
September 20, 2009 5:05 am

I enjoyed this book so much! Just loved the story, it was so well written. Cany wait for the next issue.


September 11, 2009 1:05 pm

You wil have to excuse my hyperbole this week but yet again another just awesome book! I would give this a five just for the art alone, Adrian Syaf and John Dell were just amazing in this book. There was just so many great panels in this issue it's not even funny. Every character was so well written as well, great stuff.

Yet another 5/5 from me this week, this could well be my best week in comics since I started reading. 

September 11, 2009 12:42 pm

OH MY! This issue was awesome! The art was amazing from cover art to last page, I really hope Ramon Bachs is coming back on this book as I feel that he has just started to nail it.

The story was excellent and the page in the cave was just great. 

I have only read three of my books this week so far but im pretty sure this will be my POTW.


September 11, 2009 11:08 am

This book was so good! Everything about this was great the art for both stories blew me away.

 Cant wait for The web.


September 6, 2009 1:32 pm

This was great, great art, great stories. Im loving the super-verse right now.


September 5, 2009 7:13 pm

Yet again this book was so very good! I have really been enjoying BC since Milligan and Clarke started on this book.

Like I say every issue Andy Clarkes art is just awesome (I would love to see him on Batman and Robin at some point) He storytelling has been just great is this book. This was a great issue and the story is really developing well, cant wait for the next issue.


August 21, 2009 10:50 am

Yeah, this book is so much fun, the art is just great for this book. I always look forward to reading this and I've yet to be disappointed.


August 21, 2009 7:36 am

I don't mean to sound so surprised but this was actually pretty good. I really enjoyed the Amos back story and thought the appearance of a certain trinity member was really good and the art great as well.


August 21, 2009 6:43 am

I cant believe the lack of response to this book 118 pulls and nothing to say on this book?...

I thought it was another great issue but I just love this book. There is so much social commentary packed into this and maybe a lot of it is going over readers heads, maybe.

This book is so much fun and the story is progressing really nicely. I love the concept, I love the Battle of the plants feel it has and I love the ChrisCross art.


August 21, 2009 6:17 am

This was my least favourite of The Red Circle book to come out so far, mainly because of the art which was a little weaker than the other books. I did enjoy this though, it had some good moments and was worth a read.
