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Name: Jason Hart

Bio: I'm a graphic designer, comic creator, & beard-maker/destroyer. I don't have neck or chest tattoos (yet). You can view my work here: http://showerstorm.tumblr.com (includes a handful of my short comic stories for your sampling pleasure) Some stuff I'm loving at the moment: Prophet, B.P.R.D., Casanova, Multiple Warheads, Love & Rockets, Orc Stain, Lone Wolf & Cub, Pluto, Preacher, Saga. I miss Scalped a lot though.


jasonhart's Recent Comments
May 22, 2013 11:12 pm @Turd – That's what really hung me up on this issue too. Honestly, I thought this was the worst Zezelj I've seen. And Bellaire is usually an awesome colorist, but I felt like the colors needed some texture or something to offset the incredibly heavy & rudimentary linework. This art took me out of the story as badly as issue #10's had. The only place that it was working here for me were the flashback scenes where the black of the lineart was replaced by a softer color. There, it wasn't so jarring. With all that said, for a really good Zezelj book, pick up "Luna Park" if you all get the chance.
May 20, 2013 11:21 pm My first experience with Zezelj was when he took over Loveless after Marcelo Frusin — & it took me a really long time to get past that bias. It really depends on the material he's illustrating. A lot of times, it's way too blocky & rough & hard to follow, for the type of story – but his issue of Scalped & the Luna Park OGN were great. Those stories fit his style perfectly. ... Massive? We will see. Next issue, Brown is back & the crew enter America, right?
May 20, 2013 10:27 am Dammit, you just broke my heart. A movie I never knew I needed, which we will never get... Do you think Hoffman is grizzled enough (persona, not appearance) to play Old Man Prophet though? Jeff Bridges could be pretty sick.
May 20, 2013 9:55 am @Wee ~ And really, I didn't mean to go off on a tirade, man. (Sorry. Caught me on a bad work week.) This actually could be an interesting discussion though, as the styles of comic books (especially creator-owned) start to open up & become diversified from the standard. I see a lot more of almost an Emily Carroll or one of BOOM's Cartoon Network series genre influences than, say, the traditional superhero/crime comic here in Novosadov's work. Maybe the question is more about expectation – in how well it's suited to the script & also to the audience it's potentially reaching...
May 17, 2013 3:03 pm In all earnestness though, @Wee, like you mentioned in your first post, this just comes down to preference. For me, if you can convey action/theme/atmosphere/emotion in a style I haven't seen before – I'd take that any day over a stock superhero artist. I lean more "cartoony" or eclectic. That's just my personal taste. Not yours; & that's cool. It might not take as many man-hours for this dude to draw & ink a page as it does Jim Lee, etc – but that doesn't invalidate him as a cartoonist. Again, your art preference is completely valid, man, (before anyone jumps on me for trying to stifle your individuality) but to call this stuff "nonsense" (which it isn't; dude has a grasp of sequential storytelling & anatomy & so on) seems a little bit off. I really dug this artwork btw. Not sure if the writing was quite working for me, but whatevs.
May 17, 2013 2:34 pm It's not just Image. This is a horrid contagion that's been spreading through comics for years. I've been saying for EVER – comix just ain't what they used to be, like back when Kirby & those other dudes ran shop. We gotta get a petition together & get these guys off the panels. Gabriel Bá, Darwyn Cooke, Brandon Graham, those Adventure Time schmucks! Where is the anatomy, the detail? You gonna hide under the blanket of "style"? You know what style we need? DC house style or bust, baby!!! Oh, this guy's doing his own colors too? Oh. That's... okay, that's mildly impressive.
May 15, 2013 4:53 pm Wow. Just checked out a preview of this & really dug the artwork. Gonna check the LCS for a copy...
May 10, 2013 11:14 am That's pretty cool. The shirt & jacket caught my attention, but I didn't put 2+2 together. I wonder why they changed Noto's masthead title to the simple "X" instead of the ice cube one? It was legible & thematic & interesting enough...
May 10, 2013 11:07 am It'd be pretty cool if this is paced a little more like a Miyazaki film, without being too terribly heavy on the superhero trappings. That "San Fransokyo" idea alone might be a big draw. The title seems a little strange though. If they're working from very obscure source material, it seems like they could pick a title that's more catchy & descriptive (unless the title is tentative?).
May 10, 2013 8:37 am This is very, very easily my favorite book on the stands. I had to go back & count pages to make sure this issue wasn't 36 pages (it's not) – they pack so much story & detail into each issue. And the plot lines seem to really all be hurtling toward a central point now. The radio silence on Prophet over the past few months had me a bit worried, but the quality of this one made it all extremely worth the wait.