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Name: Brian Mordeca



brian's Recent Comments
July 21, 2009 5:39 pm

Most excited for Amazing #600 this week, followed by the GL stuff. No surprises there.

BQ: The Moon. From what I have read/heard about space travel, going to Mars sounds like it would take WAY too long for me. I don't want to be trapped in a space shuttle for that long. Also, what others have said about being able to finally prove or disprove the original Moon mission would be big. 

July 21, 2009 5:36 pm Not really interested in this. Either do a comic book or an animated film/short/etc. Motion comics are not my bag. I understand this will be out as a regular comic too, which is how I'll choose to experience it. Don't know why, but I'm just not into motion comics.
July 17, 2009 2:05 pm Looking forward to this. Scalped is one of my favorite books right now, so I'll pretty much read anything Jason Aaron is doing and Dillon on pencils just sweetens the pot!
July 17, 2009 2:00 pm Well...I picked this up, mainly out of habit and also because it was amongst my "pulled" books at my LCS and I didn't bother to check it out before I bought. I soon remembered it was part of an X crossover I have less than zero interest in, and I must say it's a shame this book had to get caught up in Utopia. Hopefully the book can get back to it's own after next issue and we can put this behind us. This was in fact, terrible. I'm usually down for a good crossover, but I forgot how much it sucks when it's centered around books you don't read or really don't want to read. Ughh.
July 16, 2009 5:19 pm

@Conor I agree! Animation was actually my first introduction to superheroes (Batman: TAS. and both the Spider-Man and X-Men cartoons from the 90's) and animation has always housed some of my favorite Spider-Man and X-Men stuff, and my absolute favorite Batman stuff. My favorite Batman movie to date is "Mask of the Phantasm".

I ironically find that as I read MORE comics, I'm less and less drawn to superheroes as a genre and more and more to the other genres I've read in comics. Don't get me wrong, I'm right there on Wednesday getting the latest and greatest DC and Marvel have to offer and I do like Superhero books a lot, but looking at my shelf of trade paperbacks, only 1 shelf is superhero books, and 4 are non-superhero books. Granted a lot of my superhero purchases are done month to month so they aren't represented on the shelf, but still... 

July 16, 2009 11:37 am I wish I could go, but can't afford the flight/accommodations/every thing else this year...or most years for that matter. One of these years I plan on going, though!
July 16, 2009 11:33 am My cover picks this week: Scalped, Streets of Gotham and Pet Avengers.
July 15, 2009 11:40 am

Super excited for this movie!

As for casting...I could see Brad Pitt, but honestly, Fillion would fit perfectly in my opinion. Not just to be on the bandwagon (although he is a fantastic actor) but I think he's got the chops for the role, much like I thought he would've for Hal Jordan too.

Brad Pitt is not a bad choice though...and it's more likely than Fillion, so here's hoping :P 

July 15, 2009 11:35 am Really glad to hear the house got fixed up! Good job to those who contributed to the cause.