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Name: Brian Mordeca



brian's Recent Comments
July 13, 2009 5:27 pm

Small to average week here for me with 10 books and a couple trades that I may simply wait to get from Amazon at a later date.

Most looking forward to the Blackest Night books by far. If I recall I only have 3 Marvel books this week, so it's going to be a DC heavy week, which is ok with me :) My only dilemma will be getting to the store early enough to snag a copy of Blackest Night! I can only imagine how fast it'll be flying off the racks! Just hoping my LCS orders up a poop ton of copies.

BQ: Dementor, because theoretically they won't bother us unless we're wanted by the Magic Police or whatever it's called in the HP world (If I remember correctly...). Rabies means an unpleasant amount of shots to the stomach, so I'd want to avoid that, and BOB...well, ugh, no. Just no. 

July 13, 2009 5:14 pm I smell a POW! Seriously though, I've been looking forward to this for so long. Can't wait till Wednesday!
July 11, 2009 10:55 am I think Reynolds will do good, and like most I'm glad Timberlake didn't get it. Noting against him, but man I could NOT see him as Hal.
July 10, 2009 11:08 am My picks this week are definitely Green Lantern and Batman. Both working the black and blue color scheme.
July 8, 2009 7:43 pm

Haven't read it yet, but just something I noticed when I bought it this morning...$3.99 for a book printed on newsprint seems a little high. I don't want to get into the whole price of issues debate or anything, but I was shocked that the low paper quality would still warrant a top level price point. I mean, i think it looks good done in newsprint, and it's something a little different, but I would really have been nice to see this come in at $2.50 or something. I mean, you can buy a whole newspaper for less than $4 on weekdays, and it's a lot more content (although, not good content) than this issue.

Regardless, this looks to be really fun, and I've already pretty much decided to go ahead and get all 12 issues. Really looking forward to the Batman story! 

July 8, 2009 7:36 pm

Welcome back, Mike, glad to hear you had a pretty good trip.

Well, this summer cash is a little tight so I won't be doing any big vacationing, minus a few camping trips here and there that will keep me within my own borders. When I do go on long trips of any kind though, I find that since every hotel seems to have WiFi now (mostly...) I bring my laptop, and that pretty much serves as my entertainment needs. However, I always bring some reading material for flights and those times when I need to get away from the computer. I usually like to bring a hefty novel for these trips though, rather than a stack of trades or issues to save space, but usually I'll break down and bring one or two trades I've been meaning to get around to. Usually I try to get thicker, self-contained trades rather than say a Walking Dead trade that I'd read in one sitting, then leave in my bag for the rest of my trip.

July 8, 2009 7:28 pm Too bad. I love Winick and was really glad to have him on Batman again. His first issue showed real promise. As for Daniel, ehh, his stuff with Battle for the Cowl was good, and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't great, and to have him replace Bagley is also a shame. I thought Bagley's art really worked well in the first issue of Batman he did. Again, Daniel's Batman art was good, but just the notch below the current creative team, IMO.
July 6, 2009 11:34 pm

Really glad to have an 8 book week again. Last couple have really hurt. Anywho, looking forward most to Wednesday Comics, and also the Bat books as always.

BQ: It's going ok. Working a lot and later this week starting to build a deck out back. It will be my first major construction project of sorts. I'm excited. The only other thing I've built in the past has been bookshelves and a cabinet.

July 3, 2009 5:16 pm Excited for both of these! Whenever anyone but Conroy voices Batman, I'm immediately turned off for some reason. Just doesn't fit. Probably because even when reading the Batman comics his voice is what I hear in my head.
July 2, 2009 11:04 am

This is going to be awesome. Cannot wait. My only concern is whether I can stand waiting for the inevitable big 'ol hardcover of this to read it, or if I break down and buy the issues. This concerns me because just looking at how good those preview pages look I know I'll be buying the hardcover regardless of if I have them in issues, and I hate doing that :P

This is definitely my most anticipated project coming out of Marvel this year, even more so than Cap Rebirth.