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Name: Brian Mordeca



brian's Recent Comments
September 19, 2009 11:40 am Congrats Gordon and Amy!
September 14, 2009 4:27 pm Stewart does good art. This will make the loss of Quietly slightly less painful, anyhow.
September 14, 2009 4:25 pm Fantastic find! Even with the really high shipping rates to Canada, that still worked out to be a great deal, and that almost NEVER happens. Ordered about 8 books, can't wait to try them all out. Most I had never heard of before (except for "The King" which I'm glad I finially will get a chance to read).
September 3, 2009 11:42 am A hiatus well earned, friends. Looking forward to seeing more video shows in the future :)
September 1, 2009 1:03 am I'm on the fence with this one...will be an at the store decision.
August 28, 2009 2:36 pm Happy bday to you, sir.
August 26, 2009 6:33 pm

Picked up the game today on my lunch break, and have since played a couple hours of it. Man, really glad I decided to give this a shot, and I found it for $38 which makes it all the sweeter. LOVE this game so far. LOVE. I FEEL like Batman the way Spider-Man 2 made me FEEL like Spidey, and at the end of the day that's really what I'm looking for from one of these games.

Best Batman game ever? Absolutely...best comic book game ever? Probably.

I ended up getting the game for the 360, because I'm an achievement whore. I am curious what playing as the Joker would've been like though...

August 25, 2009 11:48 am I'm really torn on whether to buy this for the PS3 or 360. I mean, I LOVE. LOVE achievements on my Xbox. Weird in a way, yes, but I can't help it. But, with the PS3 version you can play as the Joker, as mentioned, which is also very appealing. Quite the dilema. Going to take the day to mull it over, and pick it up tomorrow after work instead of today. Hopefully it won't sell out or anything...
August 20, 2009 4:29 pm

1. The idea and excitement Longbox is creating

2. DC Comics - EVERY major player has FANTASTIC stories coming out now - Green Lantern, Batman, Superman, and Flash, which is the essence of superhero comics for me. Also, reprinting Starman in beautiful Omnibus form was one of the better choices the people behind DC's "trade" program has come up with.

3. "Batman and Robin" by Morrison and Quietly. I think this is deserving of it's own spot on the list. Easily the best superhero book out there, possibly the best I've read ever personally.

3. "Non Superhero books" - There've always been great non-superhero books, sure, but it really seems like this year has had INCREDIBLE diversity in books. Parker The Hunter, Asterios Polyp, Walking Dead, Scalped (which may have become my favorite ongoing book. Period),  I Kill Giants, Scott Pilgrim, and about a billion others!

4. iFanboy. Seriously, if it weren't for the site and podcast I would have most likely stopped going to the shop every Wednesday and simply getting what I can in trades, and that's it.

August 19, 2009 12:30 pm

@Crippler the boy has red hair, the girl black. Funny how that worked out, huh? :P

I could definitely see this being some sort of dream or something. Or at the very least soon down the line Archie comics will undergo an interesting ret-con, ala Amazing Spider-Man.