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Name: Brian Mordeca



brian's Recent Comments
January 26, 2010 10:18 pm Great promotion on DC's part...I bought the random Blacket Night tie-in books just for the rings! At least with these two, I'll get both rings on books I'd normally be buying anyhow :)
January 18, 2010 9:43 pm I'll wait for the trade :)
January 18, 2010 9:40 pm

Here's hoping that when the Avengers comes back, it will be ONE monthly title. Called Avengers. With Cap and Iron Man back together. I mean, New Avengers has been really good, but how can something be "New" after this long? It's time that got dropped from the title, and it's time we had a real Avengers line-up again. I really hope they don't try to shoe-horn in more than one Avengers title post-Seige (although that would take a miracle).

January 13, 2010 12:49 pm Super excited for the potential to this, and I certainly won't pass judgment until it is out of early Beta at least, but as of now the one glaring problem I have is the $2. .99 cents sells a digital book, $2 does not, for me. Also, some UI tweaks and changed would help too!
January 13, 2010 12:45 pm Really excited for this!
December 9, 2009 12:13 pm

Love hearing this news! A great way to start my day! I can't wait for this series, and having Bruce back in the DCU. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Dick/Damian as well...but...Bruce Wayne! I'm also really intrigued at how they are going to handle the whole Robin thing when Bruce comes back...what will happen to Damian if Tim is expecting to come back as Robin? Personally, I think we'll see Tim stay as Red Robin, or something else but not return as Robin. Damian will probably remain Bruce's Robin (if Bruce does in fact re-claim the mantle of Batman, which I hope he does).

Glad Grant Morrison will be writing this. His past Batman work has been phenomenal. Counting down the days :)

December 8, 2009 12:53 pm

Excellent article Ron, and I agree almost 100% on those additions to the Wizard list. Which, for the record, I haven't read, seeing as I haven't bought an issue of Wizard in...4 years? 3 years? Something like that.

Also, I was trying to think of who I'd go for in creator of the decade, and after pondering for a few minutes I really can't think of reasons good enough to dis-credit Cooke as that creator. Such fantastic work from both a writing and artistic standpoint, which is more than can be said for a lot of other creators out there.

December 8, 2009 12:47 pm

I certainly here the whole "event-fatigue" argument, but I am still excited for this. The Superman books have been pretty good since the New Krypton stuff started so I'm suresly going to see the rest of this event through, and with the creators involved I have faith it will be pretty good. I am, however, tired of feeling like monthly books are simply there to tie-in with a current "event" or lead into the next "event" that is right around the corner.

Oh well, still looking forward to this. If for no other reason than hoping it gets Superman back in his own book as the star, and in Action as well. Then I can drop Supergirl and not worry about Patriot, Nightwing or the lot of them. It's been a good ride for the most part, but I'm ready to get things back to the way they were for the most part.

December 7, 2009 3:13 pm

Really looking forward to this. If this is the start of a format change for DC in that they will be shifting to all OGN's I would LOVE that. The more I think of it, the more I hate having longboxes of monthly books in my closet. I would much rather have all my comics reading stored like my current trades are - on a bookshelf. Sure it's still not as ideal as digital storage-wise, but it's certainly a step up.

 Can't wait to see how Johns handles Batman, and the Gary Frank art is sure to impress. JMS on Superman though, I'll wait and reserve judgment on that!

November 30, 2009 8:21 pm The day when I can wake up Wednesday morning, fire up my computer and have it automatically download my pull list of books that I can then sync with my eReader type device, cell phone and what have you will be a very good day for me. I have been reading single issues for a while now and have amassed about 8 longboxes. I hate seeing them stored in the corner of my bedroom. I know I will never read 90% of them again but I'll be damned if something I paid over $4 for is getting thrown out! That's just horrendous. We had the sensation of freeing ourselves from our CD collection some years back, and I enjoyed that feeling quite a bit. Just recently I've (pretty well) done the same for movies and TV shows. For comics, I will be estatic.