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Name: Brian Mordeca



brian's Recent Comments
August 19, 2009 12:27 pm $9.99? Definitely picking this trade up. Book sounds great.
August 19, 2009 12:23 pm I'm beyond excited for this. 99 cent titles alone have me feeling all warm and fuzzy about the money I'll save each week. And not having the headache of getting to my shop, only to find out that one title I was looking to pick up was sold out already, etc.
August 19, 2009 12:16 pm

I for one, welcome the break. I mean, everyone (including myself) is usually pretty tapped out after the holidays financially, mentally, and physically. A week off where I can just catch up on any trades I got during the holidays, or simply just relax and focus on something else. In my situation, the closest comic shop is either a 40 minute to an hour walk (and that's a shitty one that I hate going to), or the next closest shop that I like and actually go to is a half hour drive, or hour plus bus ride. Not fun to get books on Wednesdays for me. I'm definitely in the GO LONGBOX camp. I can't wait.

August 12, 2009 8:02 pm Great article, Josh! I hadn't heard about that "Yellow Hat" knob before, but after reading the linked article and browsing on the site for a bit it's safe to say he's definitely the embodiment of the type of comic book reader that I loathe and try to detach myself from. Seriously not cool. To even take the time to do something like that is just sad really.
August 6, 2009 7:19 pm

Great article Ron, and I completely agree! Not only did July offer great books week to week, but then out of nowhere I see the releases incoming of both Asterios Polyp a new work from David Mazzuccelli that immediately got bought from Amazon as soon as it was released, as well as Parker, a new one from Darwynn Cooke who is one of my industry faves as well. Also bought on Amazon almost instantly. And ironically enough, the two graphic novels I read back to back ended up being by far the best books I'd read all year, but some of the best books I've read. Period.

July was great, but my wallet, and the dedicated student inside me looking to not flunk out is hoping that things begin to settle down as the summer comes to a close, and thankfully it looks like it will.

August 6, 2009 11:29 am I really liked the covers for Cap, The Mighty and Spidey this week.
August 5, 2009 1:18 am

Normally, due to budgetting I go for the cheapest format to read my books in (almost always, that's the soft-cover trade, which accounts for almost 75% of my comic book bookshelf). However, I cannot fault anyone at all for wanting to wait to get the best version of a product. If I had the money to be that way, then my bookshelf would be all hardcovers, hopefully most of those would be oversized! I do have one shelf on my bookshelf dedicated to the Absolutes and gorgeous, oversized hardcovers I have been able to get over the years and there is no doubt that is the shelf that looks the prettiest, most attractive. Another reason I prefer reading most things in trade is that I hate having stacks of longboxes around the house. I'd much rather have those stories easily accessible to me on my shelving. Going forward with this philosophy, it is only natural to want the best version of something. It's why most people prefer In N' Out burgers to those from McDonalds. Both burgers would do the job for filling your stomach, but the In N' Out burger experience is much tastier, but granted, more expensive.

Also, I'm like Ron and the others who MUST have a story all in the same format, so much so that I have all the Y: The Last Man trades on my shelf. One of the trades (for whatever reason) has a different spine format (the number of the trade is in a different place then the number on the other trades, there is no customary VERTIGO banner on the bottom of the spine, etc.). Even that makes me groan. I know it may seem silly, but I can't help it!

Man, writing this really makes me wish I had the money for oversized hardcovers, and quality hamburgers. Until then, softcovers and McD's it is.

July 31, 2009 11:36 am

My response to watching them:

After watching Iron Man trailer, "Ehh that looks pretty terrible, but I might check it out if Ellis is writing..."

After watching "Wolverine" trailer: "Umm...where was Wolverine in that trailer? Oh...wait...I get it. Pass."

July 30, 2009 4:11 pm Great photos. Man, these really make me want to go next year. Looks like SO much fun!
July 29, 2009 3:21 pm Haha that's awesome!