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Name: Brian Mordeca



brian's Recent Comments
June 23, 2009 1:30 pm
Yea I'm also done with this book after this issue. I actually really like Ellis but this arc has just been horrible! Delays aside I've thought the actual story has been boring and the art is definitely not my "style" at all. I may or may not move over to trades with this...depending on how the next arc is received once it starts coming out in 2012.
June 23, 2009 10:09 am I still think it could be kind of cool, but I really hope they don't focus too much on the slapstick elements seen in the trailer. A little bit of that sort of comedic relief is fine, but it can't be overdone.
June 22, 2009 8:32 pm

And this is the week I decided maybe I won't read all the Dark Reign stuff. Nope, not going to even try!

 Even still this week is massive for me, weighing in with 18 books, an omnibus and a hardcover. Yowza! Probably the biggest week in terms of the amount of books I'll be buying that I can remember in a long time.

My most anticipated is definitely the Gotham Sirens Dini book. Looks great. Also, giving Dark Wolverine a chance...I KNOW I'm going to regret this. I just know it. Especially after Daniel Way's most recent "contribution" to the title the past month. Dreadful. I really hope the book doesn't stay "Dark" for too long.

BQ: FML: 2009 Edition 

June 22, 2009 8:25 pm

I read an article stating that Spectacular Spider-Man would be coming back this summer and got excited, thinking it would be season 3, but then realized it was just season 2 being broadcast in the US for the first time. Really shocked me that other countries actually got something like this before the States did. I'm almost always on the losing side of the border for anything media-related. Nice to be on the up and up for a change!

 Anywho, yes, season 2 is every bit as good as season 1 was (better in many ways)! Enjoy guys! 

June 22, 2009 11:44 am I would definitelybe on board with this digital distribution method and I think .99 an issue is the perfect price because really I wouldn't pay much more than that for an issue that is digital. Sort of like iTunes and music. .99 is good but any higher for music and I would still be pirating it. However it is completely up to IMO Marvel and DC if this or any service similar survives. And I hope it works out. Really looking forward to the future of this technology. Great article Ron.
June 19, 2009 4:54 pm

Although I have no interest in the FF, I would buy it if a number of creators I like worked on it. I didn't buy the Millar/Hitch run only because I didn't know it was starting until it was too late...people hit the nail on the head by saying this book got literally NO word of mouth.

 I do plan on buying Hickman's FF run though, only because I've really enjoyed his Dark Reign: FF series so far. But, if someone like Morrison + Quietly were to do FF or even Bendis I'd be buying, despite my disconnect from the characters, and the fact that they've always been towards the bottom of my superhero list for characters I like. 

June 18, 2009 2:07 pm Hell yes! I have been riding out McDuffie's run hoping something like this will happen :P
June 17, 2009 8:40 pm As long as it's on 4pm or later I'll be there (have to work till 3:30). Love to see the return to ustream though, I caught the last episode live and it was a blast. It has indeed been a while.
June 17, 2009 6:21 pm

If I didn't LOVE the book so much I'd be tempted to say after seeing that trailer that I have virtually no interest in this movie. Because of the book though, I'm still keeping my hopes up that this turns out good.

 Whoever said it looked like another 30 Days of Night trailer I agree with. Seems like they're going for more of a thriller vibe than straight-up mystery, but of course that's not going off much footage I realize. 

June 17, 2009 6:06 pm

Damn you iFanboy! So I watch your Astro City video show today and then run home and order all the trades off Amazon because of the praise you all gave it. Admittedly, I had been meaning to read Astro City for a while, this just pushed the books to the top of my priority list. Now, I open the webpage after dinner and see another book to go back to Amazon for...damn!

 All kidding aside, grats on being in the book guys, looks like it's going to be a great interview. Can't wait to read it, and to see what other Podcasting poersonalities are in there. Ordering mine now.