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Name: Clayton Scholefield

Bio: "First comes smiles, then lies. Last is gunfire." - Roland Deschain, of Gilead.Big fan of comics in general. Batman and Daredevil are favorites, but also enjoy immensely what indy books have to offer. ASP, Oni, Top Shelf, and Dark Horse (can this really be called an "indy" any more?) are some of my favorite publishers.My big comicbook crisis is trying to determine what to read monthly and what to trade wait for. I never seem to have a handle on this sort of management. Sometimes I end up double-dipping!The gang at iFanboy here have done well to make me check out books that may not of hit my radar the first time around. Fear Agent and Fell are examples of this. I am greatful for the work they do here. I may not post much, but I am a daily visitor.


RolandofGilead's Recent Comments
February 22, 2013 12:49 pm I loved how JHW3 capped his big 17-parter story by having the last cover with her in fire. The first cover, she was in water.
February 14, 2013 12:21 pm Let it be known that I am nobody (Mr. Nobody to some) and I fully endorse this review. Way to pop your POW cherry Paul! Do kids even say that anymore?
February 13, 2013 5:00 pm The journey is almost always better than the destination. Comics are no different. What is funny here is that (these days) we often complain about how there is too much death in comics. Characters get killed off and come back to life in 6 months to a year. Its a gimmick that we have been seeing a lot of. So, when a story ends and no one dies? We complain because we want the gimmick? I think the Joker just got us with this one.
January 31, 2013 3:03 pm I'll probably buy this, but what I really want is an Absolute Johns/Frank Superman. All 3 of their stories, Secret Origin, Legion, and Brainiac together in one nice tomb (18 issues!). Please, give it to me DC.
January 31, 2013 12:53 pm Loved it. I enjoyed it as much as part 1. 4 stars easily. I was particularly mesmerized by all that pink glow in the tunnel sequence. I think I know exactly what you mean Paul. You see (for me anyways), there was something about the peacefulness of that setting in the tunnel. The soft pink glow with lovers in arms, their hopes and dreams... suddenly, quickly, and without any particular importance to anyone of them, their lives come to an abrupt end. A gun in the hands of a madman. How can you not feel the real world creeping into your head with that scene. It wasn't that there was a lot of actual violence being portrayed on screen. The significance lies in the fact that it occurred in a public place where you would least expect one's safety to be jeopardized. That whole scene was well executed.
January 24, 2013 12:41 pm The payoff here was epic. I'm speechless. I really am. Cooke gave me such a shock with this one. He really did have a story to tell here in this universe and when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. When is the HC coming out? I need to throw more money at this. Thank you Darwyn. This story made the whole damn thing worth it.
January 23, 2013 7:39 pm Hey JesseCuster, no not a problem at all. Free Comic Book Day in 2010 was May1st. The Oni Press FCBD Sixth Gun issue premiered in full on this day. The issue was then reprinted 3 months later in July and put on the shelf with a price tag. Crazy! The issue with the price tag is the reprint.
January 23, 2013 2:28 pm Here is another 5 . No, I haven't even grabbed my books yet. I'm 5ing this title from here on out. I may be breaking some rules, but John would of wanted it this way.
January 23, 2013 12:15 pm I can't believe that a free comic book day issue is going to pay for my nice steak and lobster. I'm 3 trades into this now and its great stuff. This creative team is so deserving of this.
January 23, 2013 2:38 am I need to add - At 6pm PST, my kids are going to think something strange is happening when Dad is ignoring them and they see that there is a bottle of "something dangerous" sitting on the desktop so close to the computer and keyboard. "Mom! Dad is breaking the rules!" (Section 12 b. paragraph 4 - punishable by stink eye followed by no electronic devices for 48 hours) I hope I don't get caught, but so worth it.