RaceMcCloud's Recent Comments
September 17, 2011 9:49 am I agree on the exposed webshooters, but I don't like the finger webshooters. From a pure aesthetics point, it's new and cool and something really different. From a practical point, how does he get a grip on the webbing?
September 16, 2011 11:50 pm Ron. How in the hell did you give the Rosy Higgins design a TWO?! I'm not saying that one's my favorite (it's my second favorite) but it's a score that's so out of whack with all your other scores AND the scores the other judges gave that design... if you had given that design a still-undeserved-but-more-palatable 4, it would have won! Did you mean to press 5 on the keypad and aimed too low or something?! And the multiple eyes thing IS creepy. Not a fan. Oh... my fave was the Samir Barrett design, the first design on the HM page, with the hood and the yellow piping. Really dig that for an Ultimate Spidey or animated costume.
September 16, 2011 11:45 pm Saw that instantly.
September 13, 2011 11:52 pm It's Secret. Young Justice forever!
September 13, 2011 11:50 pm The Red Hood is Jason Todd. The Hood is the Marvel Comics villain. Just bein' a geek.
September 13, 2011 11:43 pm What Marvel REALLY needs to get back in the comic book fan's good graces is a Cable/Sentry team-up.
September 12, 2011 7:11 pm Agreed. See below.
September 12, 2011 7:10 pm I've definitely got ennui, and have for a couple of years now. But it's not "I'm so tired of comics" ennui. It's more of a "Hey-this-issue-is-getting-pretty-good-oh-wait-it's-over-after-22-pages-and-I-just-paid-four-bucks-for-one-sixth-of-a-story" type of ennui. I can get stories everywhere and anywhere, full awesome stories, for a fraction of what comics cost. Hell, "The Dark Knight" was a better Batman story than has been in a Batman comic book for, like, ever. And I'm too honest and respectful of artistry to pilfer comics digitally. AND I've realized something that has never bothered me before, now bothers me: THESE ARE STORIES WITHOUT ANY ACTUAL ENDINGS. Which is entirely the point, I know. Because they need to get us to buy more comics. But... that's a lot of money for one-sixth of a story that when its over won't ACTUALLY be over, and disposable income is not something I have a lot of these days. So if that's ennui, consider me ennuied.
September 12, 2011 7:00 pm I don't know... do the Avengers qualify as an electoral district? Either that or Marvel stole Deathstroke the Terminator from DC. What's that? They already did? And they called him The Punisher? And then Deadpool? And then Cable? Oh, okay. Marvel Hobos, then.
September 9, 2011 2:10 pm Classy joint, classy joint...