
Name: John Zimmerman


Fractal514's Recent Comments
July 15, 2011 10:12 am I love both this and panel of the week.  After reading the comments of panel of the week and seeing someone complain about spoilers, I was wondering...  Would it make sense to have this come out on Thursday and the panel of the week on Friday.  That way it gives one extra day to get caught up?  I realize it's on the readers to police themselves and not click on panel of the week if they haven't read their books yet.  But I think it makes a natural progression, Thursday is the outside, Friday is the inside.  Just a suggestion.
July 1, 2011 7:05 am If this series were an ongoing, or even a limited, without any Schism attachment, it would be five starts.  The whole , mysterious death thing we can't talk about in any kid of detail, is just retarded.  It takes away from the whole thing, and now I'm not sure they can live up to the hype in termsof the threat.
March 26, 2011 9:55 pm By my calculations, at the current avg ticket price of $175 and at capacity of 1800, I think they could make over a million profit every week.

Speaking as a theater fan though...  I hate this show.  The price they are charing is ludicrous, it is just insane.  I sincerely hope this show flops, if for no other reason than to show producers that they can't get away with charging that much for a single ticket to a Broadway show.  The higher ticker prices go in New York, the more it becomes an elitist and rare event to attend the theater, and that just isn't good for anyone.
March 26, 2011 11:23 am @kennyg  No you couldn't.  You would not be able to develop nearly as good a show as you would think you could.  You may be able to write a better plot, but to bring it to life on the stage is not nearly as easy as you might think.

@SirCox  The fact that it hasn't debuted and yet they are charging such high price preview tickets is one of the problems.  They need the audience to get the feedback (and generate the revenue) but every time soneone sees a bad preview, they go out and trash it.  You're right that it isn't set until it opens, but that doesn't matter, bad press is bad press.

Taymor leaving and a new director coming in, with new writers is the only thing that might be able to save it, but at this point, saving it means just being able to open and run for a few months.  If this show isn't playing to capacity every night, they will close quickly.  That's the nature of Broadway nowadays.  This has become a vanity project for those still involved, an attempt to redeem themselves so that they aren't the butt of jokes for years to come.
January 22, 2011 12:05 am Seriously!  What the fuck happened?  Did Grant Morrison take over this book?
December 30, 2010 12:01 am I would whole heartily support cancelling the Guy Gardner series and starting a Tales of the Latern Corps series.
September 20, 2010 10:03 pm I want to go on record as stating that I think it will be Reed Richards who is the ultimate enemey.
May 29, 2010 5:13 pm So, we justifying the confusion here by saying, we're supposed to be confused?  Oh ok, I get it now, so when I read a book and don't like it, can I justify it by saying I'm not SUPPOSED to like it? 
April 16, 2010 1:31 pm I just wanna go on record as stating, I think Loki has set this WHOLE thing up, so that he can die and be at peace.  Think about it.
April 13, 2010 10:15 am



As a person who reads a ton of these top 10 lists, I can tell you that while you are right in that you can do it either way, it does seem to me that when building towards the most, from the least, then you DO have to go from 5-1, or whatever your highest number is.  I understand what you are saying here, but I actually think Josh did rank these somewhat, I mean it's pretty clear that MM is THE Leaguer, ya know?


That being said, I guess it's just something that is a pet peeve of mine, and I tend to point it out even when it's not terribly bad.  This list, it doesn't ruin it, but when it's Top 10 80's Stars whose lives went to shit, and you start with the worst, who cares about the rest, ya know what I mean?