
Name: Michael Chilson



I do typically enjoy Detective Comics for it’s more street-level, bared-fists approach on Batman stories, so it was a bit…

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Though the first issue got off to a rocky start, Kevin Smith writes a great Batman universe that’s dead in…

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kthx's Recent Comments
October 27, 2008 5:41 pm

Too early to tell. If you wish, wait a few days for people to find out. What I can say for sure is it's a continuane of the last GL issue, which ended an arc cleaning up Jordan's origin and adding Atrocitus (ugh) the Red Lantern into the story. The preview shows a lot of blood and monsters and creepy dialogue and not much else.

Anything else about this title, from newbie-friendliness to exactly how connected it is to the mainline Final Crisis story, is unknown. I've been buying every FC branded book thus far but am passing on this one, because I'm done with Green Lantern until the Blackest Night actually begins and I've learned that buying "preludes" usually is a waste of cash.

October 22, 2008 12:12 am

I'm glad to see Loeb got an account on these forums.

Some of the stuff I've seen from this book ranks up there among the most retarded BS that I've seen in comics. However, Banner is back and that gives me hope, and I live in the titular city and will pretty much buy whatever features our little desert outpost (though I'm waiting for the Iron Man mini to come out in a collection.) So, I can feel a little less guilty about buying this. A LITTLE.

September 30, 2008 1:54 pm

Well, obviously, Joker has a history of smashing bird-boys with crowbars.

I like the cover too, but I'm more impressed that the last issue was so good, so I'm looking forward to this even though the first issue of the arc was fairly pedestrian.

September 29, 2008 5:47 pm Has Trinity gutted this series, or what?
September 15, 2008 6:49 pm

@BrikHed: You know it, I know it, they know it. December's solicits came out today and what's in the Outsiders listing? Suggestion of RIP relevance.

Seems like DC has something going with this "mention an event in the solicit = $$$" thing.

September 11, 2008 2:52 pm

FC is working because amost everything has a tight lid kept on it. Basically everything with the branding is done by either Morrison or Johns, with the exception of Revelations and Rucka is writing his own characters and not really interfering with anything the other two are doing.

It isn't TOTALLY problem-free, there's the matter of Countdown and fans having to bite the bullet and accept that it was thrown out of continuity for being too awful, but that's hardly the fault of any of FC's writers.

What's crazy though is that SI should be doing something much simpler than FC. FC is essentially a reboot undoing a previous reboot, and requires almost all the main players to have their own individual reboots (Bats = RIP, Supes = Beyond, GL = Red Lanterns, Flash = Rogues and Rebirth, Wondy = Something Else.)  The point of Secret Invasion is to close the book on the registration, hero-fighting-hero era and go back to heroes versus villains.

Marvel has been entertaining the "what if Hero A and Hero B got in a fight who would win?" crowd for long enough with Civil War, Avengers, Hulk beating basically everybody, Stark getting his ass kicked by everyone when guest starring in Thor or OMD or anything else. It's time to go back to fighting villains again.

September 10, 2008 2:21 pm

I'm with Bibble. I know somebody who will pick out his vacation plans across the country based on what kind of comic shops are there. I have no idea why, when I'll stay home and shop online. Just going to the comic book store costs me $3 in transit fares ($4 next year), which is enough for another comic.

 Much like how Star Trek couldn't get made if it was only Trekkies and how Power Rangers wouldn't exist with only the 22 year old fanboys who remember the golden years, comics couldn't exist on this goofy niche business model they have that is initmidating to all who aren't already enthusiasts. It's only because of the Graphcis Novel section at Borders the industry can carry along like it is, and it's only because of manga that section at Borders is still there. So, manga is the big two's saviour and biggest enemy, at the same time.

September 10, 2008 1:08 pm 93.8% pick of the week? Heh, wow.
August 19, 2008 12:41 am

As a new reader, I have to agree that the biggest drawback to this series is that you can only mix insect features with the alien grey look so many different ways.

I thought the face in the baddie revelation was the crypt-keeper until I went  back and noticed they had different teeth.

August 18, 2008 11:34 pm

This show was Marvel-ous, though Jimski is a good host I can't really blame the guys, though, the whole week was dominated with SI tie-ins like RIP tie-ins showing up all over a few weeks ago.

 As has been established, Josh is Hellblazer Guy. =b Actually no, Josh is that kind of neutral guy who does a lot of up/down on the other two's picks, and throws in some mindblowing thing you hadn't heard of from time to time.