Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.5%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
Tabloidman | 10/03/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Chris Rohling | 10/03/08 | Yes | Read Review |
smeeeeee | 10/01/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Templar | 10/01/08 | No | Read Review |
lmiller31 | 10/01/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.6
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I really, really, really like this cover!
I really, really, really like this book! Cover’s not too shabby either 😉
Really looking forward to this, but I have a feeling the fight isn’t exactly what it looks like.
Is the Joker holding the crow bar a throw-back to Lonely Place Of Dying, you think?
Well, obviously, Joker has a history of smashing bird-boys with crowbars.
I like the cover too, but I’m more impressed that the last issue was so good, so I’m looking forward to this even though the first issue of the arc was fairly pedestrian.
I can’t wait for this to come out. Peter Tomasi Is writing the Nightwing comic I always wanted to read.
i’m going to jump on with this issue, i hope it rocks
I enjoy this book the most out of all the Batman books. Just consistently solid.
A few weak moments (a few of the quips were a little weak), but overall a very solid read. The hallucinations from the end of the last issue played out in a very fun fashion and the Two-Face role here is excellent.
I did really like this issue but I wish Nightwing could have his own Rouge’s Gallery again. With Blockbuster gone it seems like he does not have a Luthor/Joker anymore to define him.
this did nothing for me and I hate that DC puts BATMAN RIP on the cover to boost sales – but idiots like me will pick up these non tie-in, tie-ins just in case.
@Kimbo – Two-Face is, and always will be, Dick Grayson’s primary nemesis.
Another issue that had NOTHING to do with RIP, (except that maybe for half the issue, you’re confused if it’s real or it was a hallucination?) but this was a kick ass issue. Loved the art & loved the writing. And I love this mini review I just wrote.
One more thing … as much as I loved seeing Dick (that’s what she said) clean the floor with all those super villains, I wish it was real & not a hallucination. I still think Nightwing doesn’t get the respect he deserves & a scene like that would give him some much deserved credit.
@WadeWilson – Dick just beat the shit out of what appeared to be about 15 thugs WHILE on Scarecrow’s fear toxin. If that isn’t him being given respect, I don’t know what is. If he was in a room with filled with the real villians he would have been destroyed, just like Batman would have (in my opinion).
(I just wrote the words dick, shit, and fear in the same sentence. I guess I can check that off the list.)
@Conor- I never really thought of Harvey in that light, that’s interesting. I was never really sold on Blockbuster but when the Nightwing series first came out it did give him a colorful spider-man like group of villains to fight with BB as the Kingpin. I kind of miss him in Bludhaven too, for some reason NYC does not feel right for a hero for me in the DCU. I keep expecting the Sentry to fly by.
@stuclach – In real life beating up 15 blokes would be massive respect, but in the world of comics where super villain’s henchmen are about as useful as ass hair, beating them up (even while drugged) doesn’t mean much. I think both Batman & Nightwing could take down that room full of freaks alone … well, Batman definitely could, that’s what I meant about the respect thing!
One other thing, during the fight while Dick is drugged out, he puts Mr Freeze’s gun in his mouth & pulls the trigger … but if it wasn’t really Freeze, does that make it a real gun & he blew someone’s brains out?
@WadeWilson: Wow. I never thought about the whole Mr Freeze gun thing. If he did just do that damn! I bet they never go back to it. To bad because thats F’d up.
@WadeWilson and CharlieBlix – I just kind of assumed that is what happened. It would make for an interesting trial. Are you guilty of murder if you are under the influence of fear toxin and thought you were killing someone else?
@stuclash: It would be interesting for Nightwings mental state. He would be freaking broken up big time if he found out he shot a guy in the head. Plus think about how the world reacted when they saw what Wonder Woman did. What if Two-Face taped Nightwing sticking a gun in a guys mouth and pulling the trigger. Epic freak out!
Well, go back a few issue (#146), remember Nightwing killed Dr Kendall by setting him up to be struck by lightning & then letting him drown? Is Dick the new Punisher of the DCU? (I’m joking) But, don’t worry about the cops, what would Bruce think of all this??!!
a lot of the dialog in this book was complete shit. maybe fear toxin causes everyone to sound like an 80’s action movie. if this is a rip tie-in shouldn’t dick be knocked out? this story doesn’t just not tie-in it seems to contradict the rip story line. i did like the way two-face was used so i gave it 3 stars.
i think the main reason cw changed dick’s name to dj for the upcoming tv show is the jokes seen above. people just can’t be called dick anymore and i’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. i’m going with good for now.
@Kimbo – For me, it makes sense for Dick to be in NYC, that’s where his New Teen Titans used to be based out of.