
Name: Michael Chilson



I do typically enjoy Detective Comics for it’s more street-level, bared-fists approach on Batman stories, so it was a bit…

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Though the first issue got off to a rocky start, Kevin Smith writes a great Batman universe that’s dead in…

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kthx's Recent Comments
August 18, 2008 11:18 pm @CharlieBlix That's because the guy in the cover isn't Two-Face, it's Cluemaster.
August 12, 2008 12:35 pm Delayed to an absolutely hilarious degree, I'll buy it just to remind myself that it actually did come out when #4 gets delayed in a month.
August 12, 2008 12:23 pm

Pulled, but then put back. Wildstorm is just too caught up in it's own BS. From Armageddon onwards it only made sense if you were already familiar with most of it's main titles and while for a moment I thought this was a point for jump-ins with the long release delay I see it's really just a continuation of Number of the Beast.


The only way this imprint will pick up new readers is if it can hault continuity long enough to let the uninitiated catch up.

July 7, 2008 8:32 pm

Batman #678: I think the problem is that this story is probably supposed to take place after Final Crisis, and supposedly Final Crisis is supposed to end all this pre-Crisis VS post-Crisis jazz as to what actually happened and what didn't, and make it all "official."


 I think DC's closet of history is so cluttered that even Morrison and Johns are going to be able to make everything fit and make sense with a big event series and numerous tie-ins fixing up Superman, Batman, and the rest. Ah well.

June 30, 2008 5:46 pm This has quite a few issues to go according to solicits. Atom doesn't have anymore, so I'm guessing that's cancelled.
June 10, 2008 12:35 am

This comic has something in common with the Power Glove: it's so bad.

I found nothing that said "buy me" in the first two issues, and this cover is unforgettable enough for me to forget about it for seven issues. Hopefully by the next big round number, it will have figured itself out.

June 3, 2008 3:56 am I loathe weeklies but I'll give this a shot just for Bagley's sake. But once it screws up, dropped.
April 29, 2008 1:47 pm @xebix: From what I've gathered it will, for the most part. This was supposed to be a Countdown issue originally but it's now a catch-up for people who didn't read it and those who know little about the DCU. Editorial's take on Countdown wisely changed from "essential reading on your path to Final Crisis!" to "whoa we really dropped the ball, so you can not read Countdown at all and it'll be okay if you start here."
April 28, 2008 6:01 pm

By constantly going back and forth between the art pages and the script pages like you're reading a million footnotes.

 Yeah, as nice as this series is I'm going to skip this issue. I find no joy in having to constantly reference the backpages when they could do the [text in brackets] method of signifying foreign speech that they normally use.

April 28, 2008 5:58 pm One of those issues where I don't know if it's a jumping on point or not. Johns seems to have this thing for transition issues after a large arc that could work as a standalone but are tied up in the continuity of what just happened to make them too unfriendly to jump on at (see Alpha Lanterns between SCW and Secret Origin, for example)