
Name: Michael Chilson



I do typically enjoy Detective Comics for it’s more street-level, bared-fists approach on Batman stories, so it was a bit…

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Though the first issue got off to a rocky start, Kevin Smith writes a great Batman universe that’s dead in…

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kthx's Recent Comments
April 23, 2008 4:29 am

I dropped this title in the midst of the Injustice League arc. I had found out later that it was becoming one big Salvation Run tie-in and was glad I dropped because I don't like tie-ins to concurrently running series and I wasn't going to buy Salvation Run.

 I wasn't going to buy this issue (Queen Bee? Really?) but was going to get the next issue because of the FC backstor, but now you're all praising it. So conflicted...

April 1, 2008 12:05 am This is one of those books where I can't figure out where the hell to start. I mean to get the trades, but I have other priorities, and trades never keep up with issues of course. Now seems like as good a time as any, I suppose, since it's only two books removed from the trades.
March 24, 2008 10:00 pm A maybe for this one. I don't bother collecting one book of a set, but I'm a sucker for a wacky premise like this.