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Name: David Dusbiber

Bio: My wife and I are both huge comic and video game fans. I love a wide range of comics with a focus on the big two in the past. Recently though, I've been dropping lots of Marvel and Dc comics while adding a lot of independent. I don't care what company writes something as long as it's a good comic. And lately I've been learning not to just keep collecting a comic out of habit. My favorite character is Batman although he's been handled badly as of late.


It is truly frightening to see how quickly an aggressive virus could spread across the nation as depicted in the…

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First of all, I could care less that this is a Final Crisis crossover. With Renee Montoya and Crispus Allen…

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I am enjoying this story so much more than the main rip series right now. from the Joker’s comedy relief…

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dusman7's Recent Comments
December 25, 2008 2:38 am

I just saw the new Previews today.   "Batman Battle for the Cowl" on the cover.  had a major nerdgasm right there.  Can't wait till March when it comes out.  Let the salivating and speculating begin!


December 24, 2008 3:19 am

I either have 10 or 11 this week (can't remember if Remnant is something I ordered)  Not huge or small for me.  Pretty average.

Most looking forward to Batman.  Finally I feel Batman has an interesting future to look forward to and I'm excited to see it continue to unfold.

Also excited about Avengers, Daredevil, City of Dust (check out Radical people, I really think its an up and coming publisher to keep an eye on), and Star Wars.

Darkness, Necronomicon, Red Sonja, Requiem, and Thor finish off my pull list.

BQ:  trying to use self discipline to not open Rock Band until morning and play it.  White knuckle time for me. 

December 24, 2008 3:09 am So how do people feel about female Loki.  Is it working for you or do you think it's just not working out?  I'm curious what other people think.  I'm of two minds, I haven't decided yet.  But it's an interesting change.  Maybe that means it works.  Not sure I want Loki to stay female in the long run.  That's a pretty severe change to be permanent.
December 24, 2008 3:04 am Always a sucker for roster changes.  I think I'm gonna give this another chance.  Got bored with all the side stories during invasion.  but maybe it will become a team book again, here's hoping.
December 24, 2008 3:00 am For those who haven't noticed, I think Radical is a publisher to look out for.  This is almost over, but they have a couple of other interesting series starting in the coming months.  Look them up, I think many of you will be impressed with what you see.
December 24, 2008 2:56 am

Before last issue I was pretty darn confused, but I think that's where Morrison wanted us, to feel the confusion being felt by the characters in the comic.  The last issue though cleared a lot up for me and it raised my enjoyment of the series.  Sometimes it's dangerous to judge too harshly until you reach the end of the story.

I understand both points of view and just wish everyone would let each other have an opinion without getting defensive.  A little give and take in the discussion can be enjoyable but let's keep it civil.  No one on either side is stupid.  its just stupid to get so upset because someone sees things differently than you do.  

Despite what any of us think of this run, I think most of us can agree that,  Morisson has set up a very interesting future to enjoy.  And how long has it been since we've been able to say that about the batman universe.  Maybe back when Gotham Central existed.  May that great series live long in our memories.


December 19, 2008 4:20 pm Well I think Steve will come back some day but maybe your right.  Maybe Tony's redemption will be long finished by then.  And I agree Brubaker is doing an amazing job.  Soon maybe we'll stop calling him Bucky and just think of him as Captain America.  Either way, it's one of the best reads in Marvel right now.  And this comic has the potential to be as good if handled well.
December 19, 2008 3:42 am all I have to say about the art on the first few pages is aaahhhh, my eyes, my eyes, they're bleeding, make it stop, please make it stop!   enjoyed the story though.
December 19, 2008 12:55 am It was a nice issue but it felt like the real purpose of this issue was to make Juggernaught a "bad guy" again.  Is it just me or is this character written inconsistently almost giving him a split personality.  
December 19, 2008 12:50 am The only reason I had dropped this and New Avengers is I got tired of all the what happened to (fill in the blank) during the war.  It seemed a waste of my money.  But if they start doing legitimate storylines like Previews hints at, I'm back on ship.  Read this one.  It was ok I guess, but really only a quick recap.  Maybe I jumped back on one or two issues too soon.