ctrosejr's Recent Comments
April 18, 2013 3:37 pm CaseyJustice, well said.
April 18, 2013 1:51 pm Molly, thanks for sharing. I am glad cosplay, and by extension comics, could play a positive role in your life. I feel, tho I have no scientific data to back this up, that there are more positive and diverse and varied role models for women and young girls these days and that is seemingly having a positive impact on self-image. Just to take a recent example, the cartoon Young Justice was filled with strong and capable women that was ethnically diverse. The show also had an underlying message of acceptance of once identity. I would think things might be getting better. I hope so for the future generations of girls out there.
April 17, 2013 9:52 am I have a thought on the suit. I think it is Kryptonian, meaning I think he left Krypton with him on his ship when he was a baby. I think Jor-El put it on the ship for him when he grew up. But, I think at the end of the movie, you'll see he will adopt a more "traditional" Superman costume, one with more "Earthly" qualities.
April 16, 2013 4:52 pm It would skew more mainstream, but I think that's kinda the point. It would reflect the tastes of the iFanboy community.
April 16, 2013 4:49 pm Agreed.
April 16, 2013 12:29 pm I am most excited for Iron Man 3. I am getting a good vibe from the previews, and it is directed by Shane Black. I had almost no interest in Man of Steel until this past week when I re-watched the trailer. There are glimpses of a good movie, and if the aim was to convey more tone than actual plot, it was successful. And, supposedly, it is supposed to be the beginning of the DC Universe / JL movies. So, I am becoming more excited for that one. I was already excited for Star Trek and Thor 2. Can't wait for those. The rest are probably wait-for-video.
April 9, 2013 1:41 pm +1 There is surprising little word on what Rocksteady is doing at the moment. It is known that they are working on a next-gen console game of some kind, but that's about it. I guess it possible they are working on the 4th installment of the Batman Arkham series (the one after Origin), but that's kind of grasping at straws. Have to wait and see.
April 8, 2013 2:24 pm @John: I meant the 80's series. I am talking about the fact that you had things like the new black Spider-man costume, but you didn't know why until the miniseries played itself out.
April 8, 2013 2:01 pm @conor: Touche. I know a lot of people wish "The New 52" would end and revert back to the old continuity; however, your point is well taken. The banner is giving DC a lot of marketing mileage, so their using it. That said, the banner does somewhat undercut the idea that this new universe is permanent. The longer they flog that banner, the more I will begin to think that this new status quo will end too.