canadianD's Recent Comments
January 17, 2013 6:29 am With Stormwatch and the Demon Knights spanning centuries you could do that quite easily.I'd love to see some more Jenny's either through Stormwatch or Demon Knights.
January 15, 2013 1:10 pm I'm surprised DC Comics Presents made it this far without being cancelled.
January 12, 2013 10:02 am While i mourn the loss of the WildStorm Stormwatch (in all it's incarnations) i have to admit that this series is really standing out in the DCNU. It's not a title die-hard Batman fans might pick up nor will die-hard Constantine/Justice League Dark fans but for those of us that have fond memories of Change or Die, Team Achilles and PHD this book is as close as we get. That being said i love how these characters interact with each other.It's the Authority members but not the Authority.The Authority knew each other's strengths and weaknesses.They were basically all best friends.In this series, no one really knows each other and even the starting members (Jenny Quantum, Hawksmoor and the Engineer) don't act like best friends.More like colleagues.I like that Midnighter is still as badass as ever and the moment where all of the hidden agendas were revealed felt like the greatest pay off. I'd love for DC to bring more Wildstorm characters into the universe proper (besides just showing up in Deathstroke) and with the announcement of Zealot joining the team i can't be more happier.Would love to see Henry Bendix rear his bald head somewhere in the universe if only to imagine how he'd outwit the Justice League.
January 12, 2013 9:55 am Well let's sum up the reviews.Ugh. And i agree.That art was downright atrocious at some points, WAY too much dialogue about stuff i didn't care about with very little impact on the story and the loose connection to Rise of the Third Army only served to insult the best Green Lantern book out there now (New Guardians) and a moderately good storyline (Third Army). I get that it is tying to Threshold and if you're excited for Threshold, more power to you.This issue tries to set up the stuff going on in the universe BESIDES Third Army and attempts to establish the characters we'll see yet it muddles that up with an influx of New Guardians characters that probably WON'T be showing up in Threshold. If you have to ask yourself what you'll spend five dollars on.Buy a soft pretzel and a soda and NOT this.
January 4, 2013 4:53 pm You make an interesting point and i've only been reading comics for the past four years, so i can't speak for mister Lobdell's past works. You mentioned that the New 52 was a "cash grab" that emphasizes "quantity over quality".There are tons of quality books like Action Comics, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Justice League.It's just no one talks about those books because those books have ALWAYS been good and under the responsibility of talented creators. You have to put talented creators on the high profile comics.It's the same reason Marvel doesn't throw any old schlub on Spider-Man or Iron Man or Captain America. There's got to be a middle ground here and i think (hope) you can agree.DC can't go back to the old universe, much as Stephanie Brown's fans would like, we can't pretend that it never happened because it did.But i do think DC needs to wizen up and learn from the mistakes made in 2012.Cut the deadweight from the lineup.I don't want to say a title that I think is deadweight because i'm sure there are fans out there.I think the New 52 is being guided a little too much by Geoff Johns.If the new titles being launched this month are any indication of how Johns is shaping the universe to prepare it for the Trinity War.Instead, the universe needs to shape itself organically, guided by the writers rather than a larger idea.On that topic, maybe ease up on the crossovers.My wallet cried when i saw the list for Death of the Family. I normally hate getting into arguments like this because I know that neither one of us is going to change the other's minds.
January 4, 2013 2:19 pm An internet article dumping on the New 52!? Shocker...... While i won't try and change your opinion about something you seem to feel very passionately about, there have been some stand out series.Flash, Action Comics, Batman and Wonder Woman to name a few. As for the loss of Vertigo, i sympathize with the Hellblazer readers and the diehard Vertigo fans.I never read much beyond DMZ but even that lost me.To me it reminds me of when WildStorm (another casualty) got rid of their imprints and pulled everything under the "WildStorm" banner.From a marketing/advertising stand point it makes sense,i know no one wants to hear that but it does.But readers don't think about the branding used by their comic companies.They just want to read the same safe stories because it doesn't require them to break out of their comfort zone. The back stabbing, bus throwing and negativity is the worse.Speaking of Scott Lobdell, the man is treated like the devil incarnate because he changed a character (Starfire) who was eye candy to begin with, make her more eye candy.Tumblr is a mine field of anti-Lobdell posts and rants.Let's also not forget the war between Scott Snyder and Liefeld on Twitter.It just looked unprofessional, especially when other creators were jumping in with their two cents and taking sides.Then Dan Didio said that it was a mistake to hire him in the first place.Ugh. The variant cover point is on the ball!
December 21, 2012 7:19 pm Art work aside.Supergirl is one of my favorite Superman book.The entire Superman Family line is great but unfortunately overlooked by the mass of Batman books. This event is a good chance for the New 52 Superman Family to finally get some face time with each other.We saw how Supergirl and Superman work together and how Superboy and Supergirl but now we're able to see Superman and Superboy together again.Not to mention see all three of them. I like how Supergirl isn't just "teenage girl" like she was in the old universe.She really feels out of place on Earth and wants somewhere to belong but she just can't believe/trust Kal.This H'El fellow really works well with Supergirl, both aspire for Krypton's return and feel alienated on Earth. I think whatever happens at the end of this H'El on Earth event, things won't be the same for the Man, Girl and Boy of Steel.
December 21, 2012 7:12 pm I'll say this about "Rise of the Third Army".It feels like a Geoff Johns event. What does that mean? Well it means that there's a central story that doesn't rely on the peripheral books for support.You don't have to have read the last issue of Green Lantern Corp to understand something in Green Lantern.Is that bad? Not necessarily.I get a feeling that everything that's happening is all connected but very spread out, you really get a galactic scale. Now its not as large as Blackest Night (what is?) but its interesting.Baz is a nice character that fits with Green Lantern's tradition of having their new GL being "timely".John Stewart was brought in during the height of blaxspoitation (did i spell that right?), Guy Gardner was a good analog for the 80's and Kyle Rayner had a confusing origin and terrible attempt at mixed race (wasn't he asian in the beginning?). This story is very good, it kind of gets Hal Jordan out of the spotlight and I think this whole event is giving every character in the Lantern books some time in the spotlight.
December 10, 2012 8:44 pm I dropped Birds Of Prey two months ago so i'm happy to hear its getting a new writer.The book just doesn't seem to know where it's going. Hopefully it'll get better.
December 7, 2012 3:03 pm This year i emailed my christmas list to my mother.I also emailed her the Amazon links for each trade.On it I had more obscure trades (most of them WildStorm books that are nowhere to be found in comic shops).For my dad i also emailed him a list but i had his list with the trades i KNEW he could get at the comic shop or Barnes and Noble.Hopefully things pan out.