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Name: Kris Moen

Bio: I rate books on a basis of the likelihood that I will pick up their next installment. I give out 5's very often, not because a books is perfect, but because there is no chance that I will not pick up the next installment.


NINJA TURTLES ARE IN LOCKE AND KEY!!! If you’re not reading this book, you should be, but you probably already…

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1.Batman’s gliding for 2 pages without interruption. When’s the last time you saw that happen? 2.Batman is detecting. 3.Stubble Zorro…

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I almost didn’t pick this up because of the user reviews on the site. I flipped through it at the…

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Ruo21's Recent Comments
November 16, 2010 12:31 am

Excited about the basic premise of this book, and also excited about the eventual stories it will bring:

1. Some of the Knights Batman trains turn on their new master.

2. A serial killer wipes out much of his squad and Bruce must solve the mystery. 

November 16, 2010 12:25 am Poor poor Conor. 28 Books Later will he survive?
November 10, 2010 1:02 pm Thoughts: Death of a spider, man. In the issue sleeping Peter inhales one of the eight spiders that the average human is said to ingest in their lifetime... the issue continues.
November 4, 2010 3:31 pm Haven't been reading comics for a whole hell of a long time, but I think thats the first time that I've seen Batman hold down his cape so that he plummets instead of glides. It makes Batman just come to life. Amazing!
October 29, 2010 10:21 am That Wire picture is epic.
October 28, 2010 1:37 am

@Jason Aaron- Fear the Beard!!!

 Holy shit Kirkman that was hilarious. 

October 25, 2010 2:51 pm Three more issues till causality so I doubt it.
October 13, 2010 10:24 pm Best episode ever!!! I loved Conor before... but damn!!!