RobAbsten's Recent Comments
May 26, 2011 10:04 pm Willworld costs $8. It's a crime this wasn't on EVERYONE'S pull list this week. I Hate Green Lantern yet love this book. Buy it, get someone else in the store to buy it, and maybe DC wll throw his other stuff into another 100 page spectacular. 
May 26, 2011 9:57 pm I almost dropped $100+ for the X-Statix trades recently but got cold feet. My pussifiedness is now rewarded. Off to DCBS. Right. Now.

And get it soon people, 'cause the odds of it EVER being reprinted are slim to none, and slim's packing to leave town. 
May 22, 2011 11:18 pm You know H.I.V.E. Council is evil because it's using a Mercator projection.

Oppression via semiotics.
May 18, 2011 11:08 am You said Bettie Page. Tease.
May 18, 2011 10:51 am Bendis+DeConnick = worth a look.  But oh! That title! Ick with a Capital "I".

And remember, please do not feed the trolls. 
May 11, 2011 3:16 pm Wow. That "maybe" turned out to be remarkably prescient. 

February 15, 2011 9:49 pm Read the Elongated Man Showcase, get to know Ralph and Sue as people, and then reread IC. You'll see it as the sensationalistic drive-by that it is. 

"Excellent?" I'm sorry, but using that term to describe this work is troubling. Important? Yes, in that it's been echoing throughout the DCU for eight years. Attractive? Yes, Morales's art is fine. Cinematic, even. But "excellent?" No.

And the price. Four times the cost of the hardcover. Four times. Gouge much, DC?

Identity Crisis is loathsome.
February 15, 2011 12:21 pm Nice corpratespeak there, G. The sudden, unannounced closing of the office and locking out the employees was the surprise, not that fact that the magazines died. 

Oh, and thanks for buying my local con, Mid-Ohio. I'm sure having an opportunity to pay $50+ for a photo with octogenarian C-lister like Adam West will more than compesate for exodus of the artists and writers we've come to expect each Columbus autumn. And the likely shuttering of the creator commons area? Awesome. 'Cause I didn't enjoy meeting dozens of indie/low profile creators (and buying lots of stuff from them). Not at all.
February 15, 2011 11:34 am John Severin or Jack Davis: who do you prefer and why? 


PS, Spider-man/Human Torch might be my favorite mainstream book of the mid-00s. Seriously, guys, go get it.