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Name: Paul Nolan




I had so much hope for this title. I don’t subscribe to the fact that this will be turn into…

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Ever wanted a Jason Statham film where he fights giant monsters? possibly not, but that essentially is what’s brought here….

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Up until the announcement of the Spider a few months ago I had never heard of the character. The design…

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NodNolan's Recent Comments
May 1, 2012 1:33 pm I missed out on Valiant the first time round. I was just getting into comics and the Ultraverse was my universe of choice. This time round though I am completely on board for the Valiant books. The Marvel and DC comic characters have become too inelastic. No matter what the writers do with the setting, the characters have to stay the recognisable brands that the movie watching / game playing / cartoon watching person can jump into. I can't wait to read a cohesive universe of books where characters can evolve in any direction, where change can come at anytime without the necessity to change back. Oh yes, I am looking forward to this and Harbinger and Bloodshot and A & A.
April 11, 2012 3:36 am I bought issue 1 of this for the Fiona Staples cover. The actual contents of the issue through me fir a loop, intrigued me, and got me to make sure my LCS has this put aside for me.
April 11, 2012 2:25 am They aren't anymore actually. They combined what would have been issue 1 and 2 into one issue (but kept the price the same even though its now a 'double size issue') Issue 2 (which will now contain what would have been issue 3) is coming in May.
April 10, 2012 8:55 am Sadly I think all the comments above are simply what they've 'heard' just jumping on the Liefeld 'hate' bandwagon. I personally find the incessant Liefeld bashing, abhorent, repetetive, boring and akin to bullying.
April 4, 2012 8:36 am it also only the 8th pulled comic on Comixology's print pull feature.
April 4, 2012 8:02 am People are fed up of events, and $3.99 comics. it's certainly not a surprise that this isn't top. What is a surprise that retailers have ordered 250,000 copies of this. Expect to see piles of issue #1's weighing down shop shelves for months to come.
February 21, 2012 1:48 am Already pre-ordered on my mail order pull list. But this may be one of the comics that I have to get on release week.... Maybe my LCS will have the alternate cover....
February 15, 2012 11:57 am That was certainly an intriguing first issue. I'm looking forward to see how things progress. One piece of constructive criticism though... Those two splash pages would have had a "hell yeah"/fist pump moment had they occurred on the left page/after a page turn. Being on the right they were still cool moments, but with less impact as you could see 'em coming.
February 14, 2012 6:43 am Loved how issue 2 littered the words of Silent night throughout and in perfect context with the story. Also loved Mitch Gerad's incredible colour work. Those pages sure do pop. Looking forward to this one.