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Name: Martin Gray

Bio: I'm a journalist in Edinburgh and fond of police procedural telly, biscuits and musicals. I know far more than any decent person should about My Little Pony, having spent years editing British comic books about them; thankfully I also got to edit reprint titles for such folk as Batman and Superman. And the best bit of that? Chatting to the readers in lettercols - no pleasure in life equals being italicised. I review comics for Comic Buyers Guide and go on at appalling length at my own blog, http://dangermart.blogspot.com/



I enjoyed #1 but this wound up way down the reading pile. Partly, it’s because there were so many other…

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Oh dearie Lord, who signed off on this comic? It’s not even dopily entertaining, it’s just annoyingly bad. It’s part…

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Just read 600 and I’m going to moan again about the art. Why does the very competent Olivier Coipel seem…

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Mart's Recent Comments
April 17, 2019 3:59 am (‘Bi-monthly’ in comics always meant every two months, I’d say ‘bi-weekly’.) I’m certainly ready for Tom King to leave, his story is going on and on... if Hollywood meetings are more important right now, fair enough, take a break. I get that he wants to do a hundred issues but this is not a series that seems to be sticking to a Paul Levitz-style detailed plan. He could come back refreshed and wrap things up in a tight six issues. Hercules trying for rehabilitation was the focus for Dan Abnett and Luke Ross’s recent Herc series and it was wonderful, certainly worth a browse on Marvel Unlimited. Because I’m not a Star Wars fan and don’t know all the characters, I kept hearing Grand Moff Tarkin as ‘Grandma...’. Actually? Maybe she’s a spin-off character.
April 9, 2019 1:38 am ‘Graphic novel... it’s like fancy dress for comics,’. Brilliant, Josh!
April 2, 2019 4:29 am That run of Anniversary issues DC had in the Eighties is the type of thing I’d hoped for here - big stories, perhaps creators jams, linked to a single narrative idea eg Legion #300 or Flash #300.,, this was indeed better than the normal anthology but overall just another Batman giant. Remember Sam Hamm and Denys Cowan’s Blind Justice from Detective #598-#600? That sort of thing would have been great. Still, most of the stuff here was enjoyable. The Batman’s Longest Case was poor in the idea that X years into his career Batman still had to prove himself to the likes of Slam Bradley and Whoever Hawkman Is This Week? The Tom King story suffered from the production issue of having so many unseen characters chatting in narrative boxes of the same colour, even those little corner symbols would have helped. The Power of Shazam series that followed the OGN was terrific. I like the new book for what it is ie not a Shazam book, but again with Black Adam? Can’t Geoff Johns just marry him and be done with it?
November 12, 2018 4:44 am I’m with Josh, I want the credits to be in one place - preferably within the first three pages so I can settle back and enjoy the storyy. And preferably NOT WASTING TWO PAGES, Marvel! It’s like those TV shows that delay the credits... one episode of Alias took 19 minutes to properly start... how I hate cold opens. The Eero box sounds great, next time they sponsor, I hope they let us know whether it’s a US-only product.
October 1, 2018 5:03 pm PS: ‘A toy chest of fun in every can!’ See, some of us can quote Play-Doh.
October 1, 2018 5:02 pm Some great discussion as ever. I don’t quite get the ‘don’t know what Doomsday Clock is’ business. You know it’s a sequel of sorts to Watchmen with characters visiting the present day DC Universe, explaining why Dr Manhattan stole a decade of time from the heroes’ lives. You know that! Given that neither of you chaps like to read advance solicitation and articles you’re never going to know more than what’s on the page, so what’s the problem? I’ve never heard of the Gin Blossoms and life was just fine. Should you ever find yourself in a similar position of diverting towards obscure pop, catch yourself, make a note that this would be GREAT for the end of year show, and move on... please God, just move on. Extra points to Josh for imaginative powers!
September 24, 2018 5:01 am Thinking on, I maybe shouldn’t be posting links offsite, apologies as necessary
September 24, 2018 4:16 am Great pick, I’m not a parent but that farewell speech to Jakie had me welling up. I really hope that Metron’s next line after paraphrasing) ‘...there is another world’ is ‘But it’s crappy and you can stay here’. What are the chances? Interestingly, in the very week Josh, quite reasonably, assumed the nazis in the Golden Age Cap comics would have been too ‘cartoony’ to shoot Cap and Bucky, we get this from the ever excellent Brian Cronin over at CBR. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.cbr.com/captain-america-doctor-agony-pre-comics-code/amp/ Didn’t we have spots as a patron power just the other week? Are am I having alternate world memories? I forgot to thank you last week for explaining GDAT. I always thought ‘Goddam’ was one word, but appreciate the more proper ‘God damn’. Not buying one though!
September 18, 2018 4:06 am I didn’t ask a question so I’ve no horse in this race (is that the expression? Dumb Brit!) but to avoid having to apologise for not getting to people’s questions, how about limiting folk to one query apiece? Some of the questions were three or two separate queries. And I hate all stats!
September 16, 2018 6:55 pm Great show. As regards colouring, the latest DC Nation has a wonderful piece from Mark Chiarello - the first of two, I think - on the subjects, including an explanation of colour theory.