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Name: Luke Batt

Bio: Just some dude. Writes sometimes. Loves to create worlds. Author: The System Apocalypse Short Story Anthology Vol. 1 - Overture to Obliteration.



I really like how this story is starting and where it’s going, the combination of inviting art and a reasonably…

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1

First off, I love the Ultimate Spider-man universe that Bendis has created, this version of Peter Parker was awesome and…

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When the hell is this book supposed to be set?! Sure it’s 8 months after the incident…. but we have…

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LukeB's Recent Comments
August 15, 2011 8:43 am Can't wait to check it all out, looks good so far, congrats.
August 5, 2011 3:08 am Just bought every issue of Hellboy and BPRD on the Dark Horse digital comics website, about half-way through 'Wake the Devil' now
July 28, 2011 7:44 pm Saw it yesterday, I really enjoyed it, the Stageshow stuff did feel like it went on FOREVER, but it really didn't, and I liked all the little unnamed cameo's, although, would have really enjoyed a mini-young nick fury shot or even have him in the Howling Commando's, and I really hope they get Neal McDonough back as Dum Dum in the Avengers movie. The only things I didn't really like were the fight scenes, really wanted some 300esk style slow-mo shots, have cap take down half the room in the time it takes the howling commandos to fire their first rounds would have been neat, but the way they shot all that I just didn't find interesting enough :/

I enjoyed it about as much as I did Thor, not as much as Iron Man 1..... I think, that's actually a tought one though, I almost believe we're seeing/ remembering Iron Man 1 through rose coloured glasses in some cases, even when we re-watch it, the fond memories of walking out thinking "THEY GOT IT RIGHT!" is just overpowering the quality of these movies. I'll definately be buying the blu-ray for this one. 4/5.
July 25, 2011 7:50 am Can't wait, I loved Planet Hulk (and The Incredible Herc), not the biggest fan of World War Hulk (but was okayish) and only read 1/3rd of the relaunched HULK, this sounds like fun, Hulk by Jason Aaron and Marc Silvestri, damn if they aren't some fine craftsmen :)
July 24, 2011 3:59 am I think the TPB of this was one of the first books that I bought when I got back into comics..... I may just have to pick this up again, those colours for the cover/s look Awesome :)
July 24, 2011 3:45 am Line 5, word 17 arms ARM

Really wish there was an EDIT or DELETE function ;) 
July 24, 2011 3:43 am @sinsear Man, that Mark1 Comics in Hamilton is AWESOME, was there a few weeks back...

On the image.... I do feel kinda gutted for Cable, coming back with the Techno Virus still rampaging through his body, I mean, after everything he has been through, just sucks that he has to come back from the dead with that... although, if when he DOES come back during his first body check notices the metal arms and makes some kinda of look or an 'Aw Maaaaaaan' style comment, I think I'd enjoy that.

I liked Mr Lobe's run with Ed on "Public Enemies", and he did a great story with "Supergirl", but these were over 5yrs ago, Hulk and Mutant X were okay, but.... I dunno, I stopped reading Hulk after a few issues, I'd like to go back, but really did get bored with the drawn out story and Mutant X was kind of all over the place.... eh, who am I kidding, I'll still give it a go and comment on it afterwards.
July 23, 2011 4:21 pm That was awesome, would have been amazing to be there
July 22, 2011 4:12 pm First big bad is Darkside? Is that Killer Croc, a Parademon or someone else?

Looking good though, can't wait.
July 20, 2011 7:42 pm Holy crap! My interest in this movie just quadrupled!