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Name: Remedios "Remy" Vega



Nick Fury’s most Epic Fail! WOW I can’t wait till the next issue… Vitti is getting better it’s nice to…

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   Wow I wish I could go back in time and watch my sixteen year old self read this. I…

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My faith in Brightest Day has been restored. I am still going to trade wait though…    So I bought…

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HuntresSThompson's Recent Comments
June 15, 2010 1:36 pm I agree I am dropping this, I might read in trade just for the art.
June 8, 2010 12:12 am

@ohcaroline Yeah its awesome, I met her at C2E2! She is really nice and unfortunately this is not her day job...   but I am sure The Return of the Dapper Men will be succesful, I will definitely be supporting it. I also love how its a graphic novel :) 

June 7, 2010 2:22 pm wonderful artists indeed! I am totally making my mom buy this. She says she is down for collecting issues that will gain some value...
June 7, 2010 2:16 pm Eaglesham moving to Steve Rogers and Epting moving to Fantastic Four. Fair Trade!
May 28, 2010 6:08 pm @NOK are you afraid you might actually grow up by then and won't be watching anymore cartoons :P becuase you won't.
May 25, 2010 6:47 pm

Oh how a bad title can spoil a comic. I am intrigued now, thank you :)

The title doesn't even make sense! Is it supposed to be pronounced Hur-oes? She-roes makes more sense but is just as bad.

May 22, 2010 7:36 pm

Oh well at least it will have good ending. Sometimes you just gotta wrap it up. It's not always a bad thing.

But for those of you who have not read this you are seriously missing out, it's really rad if your into "pulp nonsense/ real-life genocidal truth" Which too many people aren't. 

May 19, 2010 12:40 pm
@molly I don't think you meant for what you said to come out the way it did but you obviously struck a chord. You chose your words wrong. Maybe you should have gone into details about choosing a character to portray. I hate the fact that girls who are skinny with boobs always get to show of there bodies and no one has any criticism because thats the glorified aesthetic for females. Its so stupid, a good female candidate in my eyes should have some muscles, your playing a Super Heroine lady I wanna see some guns and muscle butts! I don't care what size you are (ideally, work out ladies its good for you, being a physically strong female has many perks). I think a short and chubby lady with some nice legs could pull off emma frost and a corset would be flattering to a "chubby" girl so there goes your whole "But, my belief in cosplay is the same with other sorts of fashion: different body types can support different looks."
If this is about having fun then who cares what people say, i think you should of said choose a costume that flatters your body type, so when you look in the mirror it sparks your confidence. If you feel good the Haters won't mean anything. According to Anna looking too hot has its flaws too. So no matter what there will be haters.
I did enjoy your article though, and your pictures. I want to be the Huntress :) I do feel like I have to work on my guns though, i am currently doing cross training its awesome!!! Makes me feel like batman. And i have been working on my jump kicks.