Name: Laura H.
Bio: 1st March 2011 (T minus 14 days until Dahlia's birthday)3:57 amgoodnight now iFankittens, we must get our beauty sleep. but we hope to be with you all again soon. you have the bridge, Mr. Conor. stay cool.
X-ForceĀ is the best US comicbook series ever, because it is the first one i ever read…THIS one, the original one…
Read full review and commentsAll reviews by FabYoni
that is a great cover, we shall read this un de ces jours.
we were wondering, can we have a forum? they've got one on ComicVine...it's really good. can we have one here?
Black Swan. The King's Speech--sappy; Inception--a Dark City ripoff (w/kitten-faced aesthetic); Toy Story 3--Toy Story AGAIN; The Social Network--yuppies. all the others were probably rubbish too, Black Swan was the only good film this year, write that down.
p.s. he was THE KING you know--it didn't matter if he had a stammer; he was LITERALLY the king, most of our royal family are crazy anyway. no-one would have noticed.