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Name: Nick Fovargue

Bio: @NickFovargue http://fovargue.tumblr.com/



Since becoming a parent there are certain kinds of material I really struggle with and this series has gotten progressively…

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At the end of this last issue I am left with the thought, what if this had been kept a…

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It should be noted that Stephen Wacker has created a special little corner of mainstream comics. Books focused on character…

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Bootmobile's Recent Comments
November 9, 2012 10:28 pm I tend to take only a handful of cosplay pictures over the weekend of a con. One has been a steampunk Buzz Lightyear, another guy with a chair for a face and, yes, some are female cosplayers. I doubt anyone will think the char-faced guy is a creepy picture so why are the ones of women necessarily creepy? It is only the intent you bring to the picture that makes it creepy or not.
November 9, 2012 10:21 pm Pragmatically you have kind of a point but from a moral standpoint there is nothing here. One of the most persistent forms of sexism is the compulsion when a woman is sexually abused or exploited to point out how she is somehow responsible for it since she was available to be abused or exploited. Why focus of what the victim has done wrong (nothing from a moral standpoint) instead of what the abuser has done wrong? I don't want to discourage people from pursuing a completely innocence hobby rather I would like to see a focus on stopping the actual bad behaviour.
November 9, 2012 10:05 pm @ JesseCuster How do you jump to a conclusion that because a cosplayer is in costume they don't care about the "game" of the convention? I see plenty of cosplayers in artist alley and in panels. And even if that isn't part of someone's interest, a convention is about different things to different people. Why is one person's interest better or more real than another's?
October 17, 2012 10:20 pm I have struggled with the dark content a bit, especially relating to kids but Cooke does seem to be building to a larger point here. I don't know which book was better, this or Hawkeye #3, but in the end Hawkeye was my pick because I was able to enjoy it more. Still, the only really worthwhile books coming out of Before Watchmen, for my money, are the two Darwyn series. As a fan of Mr. Cooke I was a little nervous coming in but if he can stick the landing on both I think he can walk away having accomplished two stories that can stand apart with value of their own.
October 17, 2012 9:19 pm A beautiful cover marred by that stupid banner. I wish someone at DC had the good taste to make an occasional exception on these things.
October 15, 2012 9:36 pm Long list, most looking forward to Hawkeye, Wonder Woman, and Saucer Country. BQ1 - Probably 1993, Blue Jays win ALCS, 55,000 fans lingering outside to celebrate. BQ2 - Prince John & Sir Hiss from Robin Hood. Love that movie.
October 10, 2012 8:51 pm No need to get down on a person because you disagree. I have liked Remender's stuff before but didn't care for this issue.
October 10, 2012 8:19 pm Sorry also meant to say that I thought it was a good review, the enthusiasm is great. I just, obviously, feel quite differently.
October 10, 2012 8:03 pm Wow did I not like this book. For the second week Marvel's most hyped book delivers gore, dismemberment and shock value but little real meaning or motion. With all the new launches at Marvel, I had hoped that either it would be a reinvigorating, exciting new start or an easy opportunity to cut back on my pull list. What I didn't want was something just kind of in the middle. My hopes have been met so far but I can't say I'm too happy about it.
October 10, 2012 10:52 am I actually picked this up yesterday on my way home and I'm already into the mid-'70s. A nice read. A lot of eye opening details. It's amazing how ragtag Marvel really was during those early years. The author does a great job of giving the facts and staying objective, even on the more controversial topics.