Article Archive

Yoink! Marvel’s scales back Epic even further!

It seems that the entire concept behind the great experiment of Marvel’s new Epic line is fading into the ether….

Bendis Interviewed by AICN

This is only notable because I don’t actually remember seeing too many interviews with Brian Bendis, and there’s a fairly…

As if The Hulk wasn’t enough…

…now they’re after The Punisher. The trailer for the second movie version of the The Punisher came out today and…

The Return of Hal Jordan… Sort Of

I found this pretty interesting. It appears that Hal Jordan will be making an appearance on Cartoon Network’s new series…

Adios, Bill Jemas

Oddly enough, we haven’t mentioned that it looks like Bill Jemas is out at Marvel. Jemas is currently the President…

Super Powers: Still Not Likely

You may have seen a book, or a cable channel program about the science behind superheroes recently. It’s been a…

Marvel’s Epic Comics: SUSPENDED

At 6:09 PM Marvel issued a press release stating that the EPIC comics program as been suspended. They claim its…

Add Another to DC: Garney Goes Exclusive

The ongoing war between Marvel and DC continues, as it was announced today that artist Ron Garney has gone exclusive…

Catwoman: $120/hour + expenses

It’s exactly what you had in mind isn’t it? Sure she’s an attractive woman, but this is just silly. Fetishist’s…

Fantastic News: Waid and Wieringo back on ‘Fantastic Four’

Apparently they’ve cleared up whatever needed clearing, because Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo are back on Fantastic Four, according to…