Article Archive

‘The American Way’ on Fresh Air

I was listening to Fresh Air, one of my favorite shows, when I was surprised to hear an interview with…

Josh on ‘Around Comics’ – Part 2: But Wait! There’s More!

As promised, here’s the second of my appearances on Around Comics. This time out, the guest on the show is…

We love comics… and movies… and Frank Miller: ‘Ronin’ in Development

The studio that gave us Frank Miller’s 300 has bought the rights to Ronin. More importantly, it looks like Sylvain…

Trailer: ‘Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer’

Check it out here. I have to say — and this is against my better judgement — but after watching…

There’s a little part of me that wants to buy this Optimus Prime

The Prime has arrived. I’m not really a toy guy, but I would say I was an enthusiastic toy kid,…

Josh on ‘Around Comics’ – Part 1

Hey, everybody! Josh was in Chicago last week and sat in with our buddies at Around Comics. As it turns…

Trailer: ‘Superman: Doomsday’ — Where We You the Day Superman Died?

The trailer for Superman: Doomsday the first of the DC universe animated adaptations of stories from the comics is coming…

Shia LaBeouf as Yorick in ‘Y: The Last Man’?

I fully admit that this is an unfounded rumor, but Shia LaBeouf has expressed some interest in playing everyone’s favorite…

Isotope Mini Comic Award Goes to… ‘Quick Step’ by Max Riffner

This is a little overdue, but hey we’re busy. This past Saturday The Isotope Award for Excellence in Mini-Comics was…

Nearby Residents Went Inexplicably Bald: Kryptonite Found in Serbia (UPDATE)

I admit it. I’m not sure what the significance of this story is, but it was just so odd that…