Josh on ‘Around Comics’ – Part 1

Hey, everybody! Josh was in Chicago last week and sat in with our buddies at Around Comics. As it turns out, they were having so much fun Josh ended up doing two episodes!

Here’s the first!

Holy over-sized panel Batfans! On a night where we welcomed Josh from, Mike Norton and Scottie Young surprise us with a visit and sit in on the show. Chris, Tom Sal, John, Josh, Mike and Scottie try to get through the news and Pick of Top of the Stack, but somehow we keep getting sidetracked on just about anything but comics. I can’t imagine how that happened. Tune in for one of our funnest, craziest and just plain filthiest shows ever. The irreverence doesn’t stop until Elvis has left the building.


  1. Nice. I believe I was eying up the first Young Avengers trade in that one.

  2. To anyone not thinking about downloading this, you’re crazy. It was hilarious to hear the first time when I was there, and I’m going to listen to it again. Around Comics gained a new listener in me.

  3. First cookies, and now pizza. I wanna be a podcaster 🙁

  4. Yeah, but you’ve got to deal with uploading, and editing, and trying to figure out why some people can’t hear everyone for some weird reason!

    Plus the cholesterol.

  5. I really enjoyed this podcast. At first it was a little nutty with sooooo many people “in studio”. But once the chaos of people talking over one another subsided it was a blast.


    I am curious what shops you went to in Chicago and what you thought of each of them.

    The Tiki

  6. I listen to Around Comics but I don’t recognize anyone other than Josh in the picture because Around Comics doesn’t have a video show. Can anyone clarify who is who?

  7. I picked up my comics at Graham Crackers in the Loop, because it was on my way to a meeting. Fine store. Big and well organized. They had everything I needed, so I liked it just fine.

    In the first picture, on the left, yellow tshirt, back of my head.

    To the right of me is artist, Skottie Young in the beard and hat.

    Opposite side of the table is Tom and Sal, left to right.

    Standing is the great John Siuntres.

    In the first pic, the big brown back, is Mike Norton.

  8. Somehow I knew the was Tom, he just looks like he’s making some humorous quip in that picture. And John Siuntres looks nothing like his Ultimate Spidey cameo.