Article Archive

The New York Times Shows Paul Dini, Comics Some Respect

The article takes a look at applying the method of using a team of writers, as they in television, for…

Joe Quesada presents… ‘Marvel TV’

So this happened a couple days back. Here’s Joe’s explanation. So much for that show we wanted to do in…

20th Century Fox vs. The Feds in ‘Rise of the Silver Surfer’ Viral Marketing

So, 20th Century Fox thought it was a good idea to make quarters with the Silver Surfer on them in…

“How Can We Top Arana? The Santerians!”

This story on Joe Quesada’s impending Latino super team, The Santerians, deluged the news wires yesterday. To be honest, the…

Viral marketing is the new black

Two upcoming high profile comic book movies, two viral marketing campaigns: • Someone in California really loves Harvey Dent. •…

New Trailer: ‘Transformers’

The latest trailer for the Transformers movie came out. I’ve been fairly skeptical of this movie, until now. Okay, I’m…

The Return of Hitman

Many years back, Garth Ennis let the world know he didn’t really like superheroes that much, way before anyone heard…

Small Press Idol 2007: Vote for ‘The Eternal Dusk’!

In this year’s Small Press Idol competition, a friend of iFanboy has an entry — The Eternal Dusk by Jeff…

Sam Kieth Covers Cory Doctorow in ‘Anda’s Game’

Just the other day Josh and I were discussing Sam Kieth and were wondering what he’s been into. Well, here…

Movie Stills: Iron Man Picture Hits the Web

With the risk of another Joker-ish fiasco, I bring you this. Click for the big shot. If this is actually…