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A post about comics… mostly… well, somewhat…

I read a short interview with Neil Gaiman, and I thought I’d pass it along. I think I’m the only…

2005 Year End All Media Round Up Podcast

We here at iFanboy read a lot of comics, but we also take in a lot of other media. We…

Maybe Not Quite “Fantastic,” but… a Late ‘Fantastic Four’ Review

I owe an apology to my co-editors here. The other day, I watched Fantastic Four, and must report that I…

I don’t know about that, Kurtz…

I went over for my daily look at PvP today, and saw that he’s put up what is advertised as…

Jonah Hex #1… Excellent

I just finished reading the first issue of DC’s Jonah Hex, and I just had to post on here that…

Speaking of Aquaman…

In a move certain iFanboy staffers will love, retrocrush has published a defense of Aquaman. As they say, sometimes a…

Porkins NOOOOO!!!!!! Williams Hootkins Passes Away

I don’t know how I missed this, But last week William Hootkins, better known as Lt. Eckhardt, and even better…

Batman as Joker?

There are rumblings that Michael Keaton is being considered for the part of The Joker in the sequel to Batman…

Maybe THIS stunt will work! Spider-Man to Team-Up with Invincible

In the ever increasing insularity of the comic book industries, Marvel is going to try something to get fans interested,…

Who Would Make the Best Movie?

IGN has posted their Top 10 Obscure Comic Characters Who Would Make Good Movies, and then Fark had a much…