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Name: Jason

Bio: Just some guy from San Diego who spends too much money on comics and video games.



I’ve always been a Ghostbusters fan, but for whatever reason I’ve never liked any of the comics based on the…

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I suppose this might have been a good issue on its own, and Bendis is trying his best to make…

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I’m loving this book for the sheer fun of it. The first issue danced across the line of serious and…

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FarSide0013's Recent Comments
October 14, 2011 6:43 pm New Avengers! With Spider-Man, The Thing, Ms Marvel, Luke Cage, Wolverine and Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Issue!
October 13, 2011 9:33 pm I love the coloring Dave Stewart does in this book, but he needs to change up the pallet on out of costume Kate. She looks like one of the Dee Dees from Return of the Joker.
October 9, 2011 6:26 pm Hmm, wouldn't take much work to turn that movieSpirit costume into a decent costume of The Shadow
September 13, 2011 5:13 pm HISHE is puts out a lot of great videos. And pretty much all of their superhero movies end back in the dinner with Superman and Batman (which originally happened in their Superman video), which I think is funny. I think in the Thor one they flat out ask each other if they're always going to do this.
August 19, 2011 12:04 am Overall a pretty good redesign. I think the article column should be way bigger on the front page; it's the one section that would see the most changes on a daily basis it's sort of tiny and boxed in by sections that remain unchanging most of the week. Also I'm sad to see that there still isn't an option to set a default view the Comics List. I prefer looking at the list alphabetically when making my pulls and have to click that every time I go to the page (and again if I click back to the week before).
March 18, 2011 5:48 pm It's mylar so that it's easy for her to wipe off the spilt ice cream and tears on those days that were just too hard
November 16, 2010 8:24 pm Terrible news. Of the half dozen Thor books out right now, this was the only really good one. Certainly the only one I looked forward to.
October 4, 2010 5:28 pm

Artist interpritaiton through poses/ass shots aside, I think that some of the biggest offenders out there are women wearing costumes that are impractical for them. For someone like Power Girl, who is mostly invunerable, it doesn't really matter what she wears from a functionality point of view. Someone like Huntress or Black Canary, gritty street fighters, really should be covered more than they are. I mean, PG's clevage window is one thing, but Huntress's middrift window is just about the stupidist idea for her character ever. Get some kevlar before you slowly die of a gut wound.

August 31, 2010 3:26 pm

I think in a straight up fight, Thor wins. There's a big difference between "blessed by the gods" and "god". But Thor is drunk and she's a sober, Amazon warrior so she mops the floor with him.

 Come the morning when he sobers up, he turns on the smooth and tries to woo her, because she's everything Thor has ever looked for in a woman. But she plays hard to get, and he tries increasingly ridiculous things to get her attention until she finally gives in, and they go on a date and its perfect. She introduces him to her family, and its awkward but he's charming. Things go great between the two until a misunderstanding with the Enchantress (so not Thor's fault!) and Diana dumps him. But after another drunken brawl at another mutal friend's wedding, they make up.

 Seriously, best romantic comedy ever.

August 13, 2010 2:59 pm

I believe the flashbacks/black and white sequences aren't actually flashbacks but a sort of "What if?" going through Terry's head. Also the whole episode was/is intended as an epilgoue to the entire DCAU since they didn't think they were going to get renewed for a third season (the DVD set is actually season 1 and 2 of JLU)