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Name: Jason

Bio: Just some guy from San Diego who spends too much money on comics and video games.



I’ve always been a Ghostbusters fan, but for whatever reason I’ve never liked any of the comics based on the…

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I suppose this might have been a good issue on its own, and Bendis is trying his best to make…

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I’m loving this book for the sheer fun of it. The first issue danced across the line of serious and…

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FarSide0013's Recent Comments
July 23, 2010 4:25 pm That poster is awesome. Except maybe Beast down there at the bottom picking his nose.
July 20, 2010 5:44 pm At the first gasp of surprise from Martha, Supes flyes in (or does he power walk in these days) to subdue May, who has a heart attack because of the surprise of seeing Superman suddenly appear in her living room (or due to how ridiculous Superman would look power walking). Peter comes home just then to find May dying, and promptly makes another deal with Mephesto to keep Aunt May safe. Since Peter's running out of meaningful things in his life to take, since most everything in his life causes some sense of miseray that Mephesto finds delicious, he makes Aunt May the Herald of Galactus that she was always meant to be, and she then promptly defeats the farmboy and his elderly mother, exactly what the Power Cosmic was always meant for.
June 30, 2010 6:18 pm

"a fresh look worthy of the character defining journey JMS has in store for her ultimate rebirth!”

This whole thing feels like an Ultimate story. I admit, JMS's words here have sold me and it sounds like it's going to be an interesting story, but I would much rather this be Elseworlds. 

June 29, 2010 8:19 pm

I'm all for a new Wonder Woman costume, but a new origin? That's just wrong. One of my favorite things about her has been her tie to Greek mythology, and you can't get too much better than Perez's reboot from the 80's. If anything, a new costume should look more like her Kingdom Come armor or the Donna Troy WW design from One Year Later. Something that is both functional and relating to her origins.

 I love Jim Lee art, but rehashing old Rogue designs from X-Men #1 is not Wonder Woman. It lacks majesty. 

April 13, 2010 3:16 pm Wow, I didn't know Spectacular was cancelled, that makes me sad. It was far one of the best adaptations of Spidey I've seen. My concern for an Ultimate cartoon is that it would be too much like Spectacular, which was a solid blend of Ultimate and classic 616.
March 23, 2010 1:58 pm Yay haircut! Now if MJ could stop looking like Gert and Iceman like Bobby Hill we'd be all set.
March 19, 2010 2:26 pm I think the only thing of Widdick's that I've read long term was his run on Exiles, which was good but went on a bit too long. Power Girl is one of my favorite books, so I'm nervous no matter who takes over, I liked having one book a month that was going to be fun and not bogged down in all the dark and dreary Marvel and DC seem to be in love with these days. With luck, PG will stick with fun. Until someone gets HIV of course.
July 30, 2009 1:46 pm

While I would hardly call it best comic of the week, or even a "good" comic, there's something pretty amazing about X-Men Forever. It has all the craziness of Claremont from back in the day that makes you cringe every time I read it, the same style of writing that he used on Exiles that ruined the book for me unil they recently rebooted it. It's convoluted and insane and makes me wonder why I ever thought this was good when I was a kid, and yet it's strangely compelling. It's a rapid fire, out of no where style of story telling that just isn't seen these days. I love Geoff Johns and all that he does, but there are more plot twists in one issue of X-Men Forever than there has been in the entire very long leadup to Blackest Night. It's a glaring example of how comics have changed over the years to a much slower medium rather that the quick passed insanity of days past.

 It's also fun because X-Men #1 was when I really started getting into comics, so it's literally a back to the beginning experience for me.