
Name: William Martin


yorickrand's Recent Comments
June 6, 2016 5:59 pm You guys must have a lot of listeners. That Green Arrow comic is on it's way to being the highest selling Green Arrow ever. And I agree with Josh. I've always carried a secret dream to write comics and if I was going to write anything DC it would be Green Arrow.
May 26, 2016 9:54 pm I've never read Preacher, I know and I feel bad but I don't really. I'm not big on Garth Ennis, so that should also make me feel bad but I don't. I realized at trivia on tuesday that at my age I don't have to pretend to like everything that everyone who likes things that I like like (if that made any sense). I don't much like Kurt Vonnegut, I'm not super into Ennis. That said I thought there was a lot going on in the pilot, it was hard for me to keep track of who everyone was (most pilots) but it was interesting, but I agree with you guys that it was sort of boring? though I got excited at the end and will definitely watch the next episode.
May 26, 2016 9:50 pm Thank you for sharing a little bit about your personal reactions to loss with me. It definitely rang true to me when I have lost those close to me. And for the show it was great as always.
March 21, 2016 11:49 pm Another great episode, I am hopeful that they use American Alien as the jumping off point for Rebirth. Loved the Stan Lee discussion. I am sort of a Stan Lee apologist. He's gotta be the top creator in the history of comics even if you just give him half the credit for the F4 world.
March 14, 2016 11:50 am Great episode. This week was basically which Aaron thing was my favorite week. Was it Thor or Dr. Strange? I liked Strange more but both were great.
February 29, 2016 6:46 pm I'm curious as to your level of excitement/trepidation for BvS? My concerns all center around Snyder's Watchmen and what seems to be Frank Miller reproduction in some of the shots
February 9, 2016 6:36 pm I'm an old man about your age and I haven't really noticed feeling out of touch reading marvel but I can say that Marvel definitely gears different books to different age groups. MIles, Nova, Kamala are geared for early twenties to middle school kids, the Avengers is more high school to college age. I read Daredevil like Conor reads Batman (no matter who's writing it) and I have found it's for grown ups and probably was when I was a kid and just didn't notice. And the rest I decide by writer and basically by you guys. Nothing by Aaron, Waid, Fraction ever made me think it was geared younger.
February 1, 2016 3:00 pm Have you guys been keeping up with Dr. Strange? Aaron's Strange has been good but it seems too much like God of Thunder to me. (Guy or group eliminating god as opposed to Guy or group eliminating Sorcerer Supremes)
February 1, 2016 2:56 pm I picked that up too. I thought it was really well written. That book is slowly becoming classic.
January 28, 2016 1:39 pm I thought it was a little too zany. I liked for a good pulp time. I like the Flash and Arrow but maybe I'm weird I most look forward to Agents of Shield and Carter.