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Name: adam dodd

Bio: psychologist and writer, blogger of adamdodd.net, and insane comicophile.



image does it again. A monthly double size that has a Palmioti and Grey post-apocalyptic romp in a titular “American…

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i’ve read comics my entire life and never once got emotional at the end of. I would have never thought…

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I imagine it was hard to hold onto Jerome Opena for as long as they did, but the sharp drop…

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nightwalker's Recent Comments
June 15, 2012 3:31 pm love FF but its unfair to the other great covers of the week to keep just stroking him off because of a personal bias. Your site, your pick, i get that, but still. not every lone ranger cover needs to be featured- we get it.
June 14, 2012 11:07 pm it thought this was a simplistic retelling at best. I know there is source material they are drawing off, but it was nothing more than Superman Vs. The Authority. Also, aside from "Public Enemies" this has the WORST art yet. It seemed either low budget or on a time constraint or both. overall weak.
June 13, 2012 1:59 pm your last sentence reads as a paradox.
June 7, 2012 4:20 am i got the credits to "American Muscle" wrong. Steve Niles is the writer. Palmiotti and Grey are the writers on "Triggergirl 6" with Noto on art.
May 30, 2012 6:08 pm whatever. there are a lot of comics out there that i would have not given a chance if i did not torrent first. For me it is a like a preview or a trailer for a product. If i see that it is bad I don't buy it, they don't get my $3 and i spend it on someone who deserves it. Specifically, i could still torrent Animal man, JLA Dark every month if i wanted, but I am sure to buy them to make sure that it still comes out and is supported, but along with other lesser titles i would have never given them a chance without a sample. there's a lot of good stuff out there and any of it that I find online I am sure to buy an actual copy of, there's a lot of meritless shit out there too, put out just to fill quotas. I am sure to stay away from that after torrenting a copy. i see nothing wrong with that.
May 22, 2012 3:35 pm "...darker, harder, faster, deeper..." I guess it will be the prison season.
April 27, 2012 10:04 am i could take Matteo on WW, seems like a natural fit.
April 25, 2012 11:47 am ordered it thinking it was Prophet, another book iwas willing to try. This doesnt look like my cup but I'll give it a go all the same.
March 12, 2012 12:46 pm i'd liken it to arrogant overcompensating for a crumbling self-image coupled with a burgeoning inferiority complex.
March 12, 2012 12:43 pm Invisibles by morrison really went places others just couldn't; it was a book of magic that became magic..