
Name: Ron Davis



I admit I haven’t followed Guardians of the Galaxy since the original team that was drawn by Gene Colan (I…

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natureboy1's Recent Comments
July 18, 2013 9:23 am This may be the darkest stuff I've ever read in a mainstream comic from the Big 2.
July 3, 2013 9:07 pm I'm done. This was a pretty cookie cutter, predictable story. Not interested in the follow up.
July 3, 2013 9:06 pm This is one of my favorite books out of the new 52. I'm worried that all the plot points will all be dropped or bungled after #16. What's wrong with this company?
July 3, 2013 9:03 pm This was my favorite issue so far. I really feel like things are starting to come together now. I just wish we had some consensus on how Caps helmet looks in all the different books. You would think that at least someone would say, "Hey Cap, I like the new hat!" or "Are you expecting more potential for a head injury today? What do you know??"
June 23, 2013 9:01 am I really feel that this is one of the most consistently well written and drawn comics in the business. I love how Bendis is able to take the traditional Spider-man tropes and put a spin on them that makes it relevant and poignant. A great series.
June 22, 2013 12:55 pm Oops! I found the AR pages you were talking about ( There are 2) Thanks for pointing it out to me.. I told you I had vision problems!
June 22, 2013 9:48 am I forgot to add: What's up with the Marvel AR app? This issue is the second one I've gotten that is clearly marked as an AR book and then it turns out that there are NO AR pages in the book at all!!!! BOOO...
June 22, 2013 9:23 am I decided to drop Indestructable Hulk after reading this issue. I've loved it up till now but I feel like the overall story is kind of aimless. I think I prefer something with an long term arc rather than a bunch of shorter stories that don't seem to have any impact after they are done. I'll probably go back and pick it up in trades once I know what Mr. Waid's master plan is for the characters. Right now, its just not doing it for me. I'm also not a fan of Mr. Scalera's work. I realize its a stylistic choice but for me (I have vision problems) the art is frequently too dark on the page for me to be able to tell what's going on.
May 22, 2013 9:36 pm I hated this issue. If I knew Aquaman was a cameo I wouldn't have gotten this issue. If the next issue is more of the same, I'm done.
May 22, 2013 9:32 pm Waitaminnit, I agree with giving Mr. Johns credit for his tenure with Green Lantern. He really did revitalize the character. Now lets talk about the story. I'm still not sure I understand what The first Lantern is doing.I don't understand his look, I don't understand what his power is doing to his victims, and I don't understand why he's called the First Lantern when I don't see anything resembling what we've come to know as a Lantern. I also felt some of the plot choices in the issue weakened previous canon. Parallax and Nekron seemed to be dispatched easily and I still don't understand how Hal was able to return to the land of the living. The epilogue was very cliche and although there were great artistic moments in this issue I felt the story was a mixed bag and did not leave me excited for the next issue.