Comic Books
• Can Miles return to Spider-Man after everything that’s happened?
• There’s a new band of superheroes in town!
• What is Ultimate Power Pack?!
Story by Brian Michael BendisArt by David Marquez
Colors by Justin Ponsor
Cover by David Marquez
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.6%
Avg Rating: 4.3
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Seriously loving the time jump in this book
I just always love this book. But yes the time jump was great. You’d think Spider-Man no more would kind of suck but last issue was one of my favorites.
I like that it makes him older (even if it is just a year), the only thing thats really ever bothered me about the character is how young he is, and that in itself isn’t a huge deal.
I’m glad that Marvel brought back Cloak and Dagger! XD
I love seeing a strong interracial couple on paper or screen. I’m in one, not black & white, but one all the same. It’s a beautiful revelation to see come to fruition that not so long ago was frowned upon in my country and spreading the gene pool is the optimal choice. It makes us stronger as humans.
I really feel that this is one of the most consistently well written and drawn comics in the business. I love how Bendis is able to take the traditional Spider-man tropes and put a spin on them that makes it relevant and poignant. A great series.