EARTH 2 #14
The bells of war ring loudly as Green Lantern, The Flash and Doctor Fate attack Steppenwolf head on— with the future of Earth 2 hanging in the balance!
Story by James RobinsonArt by Nicola Scott & Trevor Scott
Colors by Pete Pantazis
Letters by Dezi Sienty
Cover by Juan Doe
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.5%
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Invasionforce | 07/05/13 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.1
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Could be fun. Does this mean more Earth 2 Wonder Woman action?
I like that cover.
I hope Robinson can wrap this up in a way that doesn’t feel rushed. Though with all that time spent on world building, it’s not gonna be easy. Either way, I’m dropping it after #16. I’ve really enjoyed the ride though.
Wow, talk about a change-up in cover art, I like it though.
Awesome cover.
This is one of my favorite books out of the new 52. I’m worried that all the plot points will all be dropped or bungled after #16. What’s wrong with this company?
Do we know who’s taking over after Robinson?
I really enjoyed this, the only downside to the issue was that we’re getting closer and closer to Robinsons last issue. On the plus side at least DC are giving a new(ish?) writer a chance instead of handing another book off to the likes of Lobdell. I’ll give Taylor a try, I haven’t been reading it but I’ve heard pretty good things about injustice.