Comic Books
• Prelude to INFINITY: Part Two.
• Aliens races fleeing an intergalactic terror crash to Earth, just as the Avengers are occupied with the now-active Origin Sites!
• Captain Universe and Manifold take a trip across the universe.
Story by Jonathan Hickman & Nick SpencerArt by Stefano Caselli
Cover by Leinil Francis Yu
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.9%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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Finally starting to see the team working more & more together now a bit more!
Still loving this & I’m getting more excited about Infinity.
Can we have Yu do an arc for this series? I feel like he would be a good fit for this side of Hickman’s Avengers.
Yu is scheduled for the interior art on issues #18 and 19. I agree that he’d be a good fit.
He is drawing all six issues that tie-in to Infinity!
you guys just made my day! love Yu
Oh, duh! I totally forgot about that. Thanks for the exciting reminder.
Yes! Yu is doing #18-23! So excited!
I’m out. I don’t feel I’m really getting much Avengers from this as much as I’m getting Hickman’s new concepts and ideas — which aren’t really floating my boat.
Once Infinity starts, I’ll stop buying these, and just read the trades when the hit the public library.
This was my favorite issue so far. I really feel like things are starting to come together now. I just wish we had some consensus on how Caps helmet looks in all the different books. You would think that at least someone would say, “Hey Cap, I like the new hat!” or “Are you expecting more potential for a head injury today? What do you know??”
I really think this series is picking up steam. I can see how this might not be the Avengers for everyone, but the overall story is more cohesive when read in larger chunks.
Solid issue. Like last issue though I have a feeling this will read much better in one huge chunk. That and Caselli’s art is still a bit iffy for me. It’s alright but it fluctuates from time to time as more cartoony.
Proper loved this issue & with that big fucker heading to Australia to mess some shit up, it’s all gonna happen!
I thought I was going to love having so many members on the team but, imo, Hickman is really dropping the ball on any character development, there are to many characters just being used as background. After Infinity I hope he trims the team down and can focus on a core group.