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Name: Sean Gallagher

Bio: I've always loved comic books. As a kid, the stories fueld my imagination and the artwork influenced me and eventually inspired me to pursue a career in art. However, I decided to take a hiatus from them around 1994 when the entire industry just sort of took a dump. Recently though, I've rekindled my love for comic books once again, and it feels like I've reconnected with an old friend.By the way, I also enjoy listening to the podcast. Great stuff!

limegintonic's Recent Comments
August 4, 2008 9:36 pm Interesting series so far. I'm looking forward to this.
August 1, 2008 4:04 pm Yep, the artwork and writing definetly make this one of the strongest series available at the moment.
August 1, 2008 3:58 pm Agreed! It's a fun, entertaining arc, and a nice departure from all the SI tie-ins.
August 1, 2008 3:55 pm I also felt like this last issue felt a bit rushed. The complex problem of escaping the Negative Zone was wrapped up in like two pages... Why not explore the Johnny /Lyja relationship in  issue #3, and extend the series for one more issue to deal with the escape?
July 12, 2008 4:25 pm

Saw this movie today with my daughter, and really enjoyed it. Wonderful characters and storyline too. If you liked the first film, you're sure to love this one.

They sure left it open for a third film, but I can't imagine anyone but Del Toro or Pearlman being involved. 

July 12, 2008 1:15 am

I agree, I thought the story was very good as well. Of course, it only fleshed out what most of us already know about the begining of Cap and Bucky's relationship anyway, but it was still a fun read. I'm looking forward to seeing how this series develops over time.

My only complaint, and this may seem trivial to most, is that Cap (as private Rogers) keeps saluting a sergeant, which is totally against any type of military protocal. Saluting is only reserved for officers. Most NCO's would take great offense to being saluted to, as well as being referred to as, "sir". I realize that both Loeb and Sale admit to never having been in a war, but perhaps they should have done a little more research if they're going to create a story centered around military life.

July 12, 2008 12:54 am Yep, thoroughly enjoyed this one!
July 11, 2008 3:19 pm Great series so far. Zeke Stane makes an interesting antagonist. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.
July 10, 2008 6:02 pm Thouroughly engrosing series. Yet, it's hard to imagine the book without Rick. I'm not sure a 10 year-old child can keep it afloat.
July 9, 2008 7:05 pm This series has so much potential. If the confrontation of the two Namors was interesting, imagine how intriguing it will be to see modern Bucky confront GA Bucky and Cap! Let's hope they don't spread themselves too thin in the process though (which, sadly seems to be happening), and blow the whole story.