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Name: Justin Spegele

Bio: I was going to put something really cool and interesting here, but then I thought "meh, fuck it."

jspegele's Recent Comments
January 27, 2010 8:41 pm Why is Steve back in the black outfit?  He was in uniform after the annual, and this definitely takes place after that.
December 18, 2009 6:40 pm Wait, Who Will Wield the Shield is out next week? I understand they couldn't hold up the rest of the marvel catalog, but why don't they wait on this until after reborn #6?  Marvel, please don't let Brian Hitch draw an in-continuity book EVER again.  At least not one that I care about.
December 4, 2009 4:05 pm Well I knew Steve was coming back, but I purposely try to avoid reading any previews of/interviews about upcoming books, so I knew nothing about it other than that Cap was coming back.  After the end of issue 4, though, I was kind of looking forward to Red Skull Cap sticking around for a few more issues, which obviously is not going to happen.
December 4, 2009 2:37 pm I jumped on here because of Siege, and though I'm sure a lot went right over my head, I thought I followed it pretty well and definitely enjoyed it.  I'm on board for at least the next few issues.
December 4, 2009 12:34 pm I should add, though, that aside from that last page (and the aforementioned horrible costume redesign) I LOVED this book.  Vintage Bendis at work and I love the art.  We finally have a reason for Noh-Varr to exist in the Marvel U.  Would definitely be on board for a Bendis/Bachalo ongoing Noh-Varr book.
December 4, 2009 12:29 pm Well, yea, obviously Steve getting away from the skull isn't much of a surprise, but I didn't think it was going to happen so soon.  Between this and the Siege previews, I really have little reason look forward to the end of Reborn, because I know how it is going to end.  Sure, it might be fund seeing how they get there, but there's no anticipation left in the story.  There should have been a little more time built in between the two stories.  Bendis and Brubaker should have at least tried to coordinate this.
December 3, 2009 9:42 pm

*Spoiler alert*

What was with the last page?  Did I miss something?  Last we left Steve Rogers wasn't he seemingly under the Red Skull's control and claiming not to be Steve Rogers?  Seriously, did I miss an issue of something?


December 3, 2009 9:11 pm @cenquist, it's not because you're in Canada.  I live in New York and this is the 3rd consecutive issue that my store did not get on time.  Last two were both a week late.
December 1, 2009 11:04 am Siege isn't going to be another year-long, all-consuming, one-shots and tie-ins galore event, is it?
November 11, 2009 4:36 pm Second issue in a row that my LCS didn't get on time.  Anyone get this today?