Comic Books


Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.5
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Woo hoo!  Potential for POW from me.

  2. Wheres my Iron Man vs. Echo crossover?

  3. Really love this series.


  4. Ready for this to be good.  It always is and I’m going to need to read the last few issues…I’m a little behind!

  5. PHI symbol?

  6. yes

  7. Second issue in a row that my LCS didn’t get on time.  Anyone get this today?

  8. I knew I had a comic missing when I went in LCS today! grrrr…

  9. My LCS didn’t have it once again. I’m thinking Diamond is messing with us on the release dates for this.

  10. I didn’t get it either. This blows.

  11. Didn’t get it. As well as Citizen Rex and the Ross cover for Black Terror!
    Damn you Diamond!

  12. Glad to know I’m not the only one. Is this a west coast problem again?


  13. I had the same problem. My LCS said that it didn’t ship this week. WFT!

  14. Hmm, I got it. GO ME!

  15. My lcs did not get it as well.

  16. My LCS didn’t have it either (UK). LCS guy said it’s not on the list for next week either :/

  17. I just asked my shop and they said "It has been delayed but they haven’t given us a new date for it. Hopefully this month."

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