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Name: thomas Fox



The art for the Thunderbolts was great. I did not enjoy the art for the Dark Avengers. I read the…

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fox22's Recent Comments
July 8, 2013 8:39 pm The last 2 issues were excellent.
July 8, 2013 8:37 pm My answer to Blake's question is the Xavier Protocols. I want more, even knowing that some ways to kill x-men could be very simple.
July 8, 2013 11:41 am no thank you to Liev Schreiber as sabertooth
June 28, 2013 5:55 pm If my daughter picks Mary as confirmation name, her initials will spell BAMF! I also insert her name in lyrics to the classic 1967 spider-man song." Bridget Ann, Bridget Ann, She sleeps through the night, and hardly ever cries." "Is she cute, listen bud she got some of her mom's blood."
May 25, 2013 1:22 pm I liked it as well. Is might have to get superman smash. Is it filled with action?
April 9, 2013 12:47 pm Paul's answer to Alan's question was pretty funny. Josh's answer to Alan's question was spot on. My answer to Alan's question is LOBO.
January 28, 2013 11:46 am I will watch the episode on demand with 3 year old kid. My kid loved Avenger's EMH with spider-man.
January 13, 2013 9:59 pm Great Show. I really enjoyed The Superior Spider-Man.
December 20, 2012 9:15 am Thanks for the article. I have detective comics #447 on my nighstand right now. I don't think Mr. Ditko drew it, but I will double check. The Creeper fight Batman. "Enter the Creeper...and exit the Batman--DEAD!"