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Name: michael

Bio: You can find me in NYC. Twitter: @excalipoor



I’m not digging Khoi Pham. But I like the plot and the script. Especially the line “He alpha flighted ’em.”…

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excalipoor's Recent Comments
June 16, 2010 6:55 am I'm not too kin on Horror Manga. Their stuff are really creepy and ugly looking. But I did read Parasyte, which is okay. I'm surprised you didn't mention Monster though. 
June 4, 2010 10:03 am i wonder if they can make those Final Fight type of games again. It would be interesting to see the new Avengers fighting against the Hammer. As for Capcom vs Marvel, I cant wait for the 3rd one to come out. =)
June 4, 2010 12:42 am

I didn't know that's how SyFy come up with those horrible Syfy original movies.

That Apple kills flash picture looks so cool.  

June 3, 2010 4:38 pm as for the fandango tickets. i'll use it to watch sex and the city 2. lol.. j/k
June 3, 2010 4:37 pm Even though I just bought all the trades for dynamo 5, I still want that price.. =)
June 3, 2010 4:32 pm That Ironman cover reminds me of that picture of Colossus in Astonishing X-men.
May 13, 2010 8:52 am

I've been the last 2 NYCC. The first time I spend more time on cosplay pictures. The second time I spend more time on getting autographs. Base on the article, I haven't broken the rules yet. I think I even get better pictures on my 2nd time becuase I spend almost all 3 days waiting in lines for signings. While waiting in line, there were so many cosplayers just pass by and I just asked them to stop and pose. I was able to get many autographs and cosplay pics at the same time. I'm too scared to ask for sketches because I don't recall they offer free sketches at NYCC. I can't make it to SDCC, but hopefully I can some sketches at NYCC.

@jmstump Even though NYCC is not 24/7, but I work at night. So I was basically up for 3.5 days straight. I even went to the iFanboy after party. I'll not do that again. Driving and working while drunk and sleepy was scary.

March 28, 2010 6:15 pm WOW. It looks great but I do worry about the story though. We are know the ending of the movie is going to be different from the book. But I do like the look of the film though. I'm going to watch the trailer again. =)
February 10, 2010 10:57 pm The third one should be wanda. i cant think of any other characters has boobs like that. lol.
February 10, 2010 10:48 pm

OMG. I can't believe I have nothing on my pull list this week. =(

BQ: I like the betty white one.