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Name: Margot D



The one thing that will consistently get me into a comic book store is a comic book with Jubilee in…

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This is my pick of the week. I have not read anything else yet, and honestly the only story I…

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I read Titans out of loyalty. The Titans are my team, these are the characters that keep me reading comics….

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TheSecondBatgirl's Recent Comments
October 1, 2008 7:24 pm

@Paul - I'm sorry, you're totally on my list now. Weakest Robin? I just. Those are fighting words.

 In general - this article is fabulous, and Conor pretty much sums up my thoughts on this possible travesty. Especially the name thing. I had enough issues when they switched to calling him Richard in the comics, but... DJ? If they insist on using his initials, couldn't they use his actual initials? Or use his name. I'd rather another version of Richard than this. 

 The entire premise of this show actually worries me, and Dick is my favorite character ever. Of anything. But he isn't that interesting before he becomes Robin. It's what happens to him after his parents' death and how he copes with it and what he does that defines him. He had a happy childhood! What are they going to do, have him go around running into the Joker as a kid? Have Babs at the circus? (On the other hand, if James Jesse is at the circus I will be happy, because there are only so many in the DCU.)

 If I was doing this show, there would be a season of wacky circus hijinks, with Dick's parents dying at the end of the first season. And the second season would be all search for revenge, with him being taken in by Bruce at the end.

 Of course, nobody asked me. So instead I will sit here and continue to freak out about it. (And hope that somehow the other Titans are involved. Somehow.)  

September 22, 2008 8:06 pm

Re: Fangirl with fanboy problems - I've got to disagree with Sonia a bit. It is a problem. I worked in a comic book store in high school - I got the job because a) between myself and my father we bought every book in the store and b) I was able to correct the owner on a random bit of trivia.

 I had problems the entire time I worked there with the older male customers not believing that I knew what I was talking about. They usually got over it after the first month or so - but they would still test me. "How many Robins are there?" "Oh, I'm reading Green Lantern - who are all the ones from Earth?"  It got really annoying after a while. Because it wasn't in fun - it was more of 'oh, you're a girl are you sure you know this?' Since comics is something I enjoy a lot, it really can hurt to be constantly treated as an outsider.

And while I'm being chatty - Babs is my favorite and I have to agree - she is way better as Oracle then she ever was as Batgirl.

September 16, 2008 12:00 pm

I'm looking forward to Tiny Titans. And Uncanny and X-Men first class. And Fabian's Robin! I'm very nervous about some of the other books I read. Decisions could either be awesome or awful.


BQ: Teaching high school. I'd rather be stuck doing retail again then go back to teaching. *shudder*

September 16, 2008 11:29 am

And to continue to be vaguely spammy, which I apologize for, and to actually be on the topic this time, I did drop everything once. And quit reading for three years, before I realized that I love the medium and the characters so much that I might as well pick everything back up. It's like coming home, in a way. You can't always go home again - things change, they move on. You probably complain about how it's different, but you really just love being there so much that you can't give it up, even if it may not be the same as you remember.

 Which probably explains why I'm still reading Titans. Love the characters, hate the writing and the art. It's like an addiction, just judging by the sheer number of books I read. I may not like the direction the book is going in, but the thought of not reading it is worse than actually just reading it.

 Hopefully, that made some sort of sense. I need more coffee. And I'm totally done spamming now.

September 16, 2008 10:57 am On the other hand, I read (Teen) Titans every month, even though it makes me angry, so I really have no right to say anything about Spider-Man.
September 16, 2008 10:43 am

I have serious issues with the way OMD was done. It turned Peter Parker into someone I don't like, and took away years of character development. For me it was like if Dick Grayson became Robin again - he took a step backwards.  Not only that, but he made a deal with the devil. I mean. Seriously.

 I liked the fact that we got to watch Peter grow up a little - he has come a long way from the high school boy, and was truly an adult. What was wrong with that? If I wanted to read teenage Spidey I could just go read Ultimate or Marvel Adventures. But Peter Parker had the chance to grow up and change, and taking it all away and then blaming bad storytelling from the 90s on the marriage? That doesn't work for me.

But then again, I read Spider-Girl. So what do I know.

September 2, 2008 8:26 pm

Barbara Gordon. I mean, for real. I'm a redhead, librarian, and I've got a brown belt.  So yeah, Babs when she was Batgirl (and sleeping with Dick Grayson) that would be my fantasy. Sadly, I am not computer literate enough to be Oracle, and also Oracle!Babs scares me. A whole lot.

 As for most resemble... *shrug* Still Babs?

August 27, 2008 3:45 pm

Fabulous article. Makes me want to rewatch all of Justice League. Only problem is that I just did two months ago. :)

 Hal does show up later on, but it is a fabulous moment when he does.  And there is so much more to the Justice Lords - just wait until you see JLU. It is so well done.  And all of them get way more development as it goes on.

 Out of curiosity, what did you think of the grand identity reveal in Starcrossed?