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Name: Sam Morgan



SamMorgan's Recent Comments
August 1, 2008 3:42 am Spider-man gets less pulls than Ms Marvel!! Ha! Die you BND fiend!
July 23, 2008 10:56 am

Dragging this from a dim and distant memory - the art in this was total pants.

Plus, has anyone actually tried re-reading Clearmont written X-men from that time? Ugh. I did and it spoiled a nice memory that they were actually good.

July 22, 2008 11:07 am

It's true that the Avengers titles have been a little different for the Secret Invasion - jumping around in time, not including any Avengers etc. But what's wrong with that! As long as the stories are good and (by and large) they have been. If you want a straight story instead of a complex, non-linear, interesting one then go and read DC (except Grant Morrison's comics which are brilliant).

July 22, 2008 10:38 am And created Ultron who went on to kill millions of people...
July 21, 2008 10:55 am

One of the first spider-man comics I bought was Peter Davids SinEater storyline. In it DareDevil cries out "Peter!" as he is being beaten to attract the attention of Spider-Man to help him.

That was almost 20 years ago!! They have known each others identity for 20 years!

That panel with webbing on his face (okay, I flicked through this issue in the shop) is the single most stupid thing I have seen for a long time.

Fuck you Joe Quesada and your fucking stupid BND!

(Nice art though - Jimenez is cool)

July 21, 2008 10:49 am

Great first issue but this issue was pretty poor.

Constantine just turned up, watched people die and then buggered off!

July 18, 2008 4:19 am @thebouv: No I do mean Jessica Jones. At least thats who it looked like. Remember the Skrull green eyes on her baby ages ago in New Avengers just after Skrulektra was stabbed by Echo...
July 17, 2008 5:41 pm

Wow! I bought this after listening to the guy rave about it in the podcast. The art was lush and the story was okay until the last page. Ooof! That emotional punch of Batman leaving the chocolate biscuit on J'onn. Took me by surprise

July 17, 2008 5:21 pm

She snogged Jessica Jones right?

July 17, 2008 5:18 pm

Is it just me or did Skrulletra snog Jessica Jones?!?